By arse of fire :( - 23/02/2013 00:31 - United Kingdom - Slough

Today, I was struck down with horrible diarrhea. With barely any toilet paper left, I texted my husband to buy some more and rush home. He replied, "Sorry babe, getting shitfaced with the lads. Get it? 'Shitfaced'. LOL!" and stopped replying to my desperate pleas. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 131
You deserved it 3 896

Same thing different taste

Top comments

superxmario91 11

Your husband has a pretty terrible sense of humour.


Well, I guess you could say...that's a shitty situation....get it? Shitty? LOL no? Alright, I'll go hide in my corner ;(

Your husband has a pretty terrible sense of humour.

OscarDV 8

I thought that was a pretty funny pun OPs husband said. Plus, if he was already "shitfaced" he had no right to drive and endanger people's lives.

superxmario91 11

...and next time he has a stomach ache, make sure that the bathroom is missing toilet paper, leave the home, and turn off your phone. That'll teach him for life!

Get his favourite t shirt from the wardrobe, use, replace back in draw. Two problems solved.

Except now there's a shit covered shirt to deal with in your clean dresser drawers.

And now the smell of shit will embed itself in the wood of the drawer. Not to mention bacteria, insects...

DishnobFruitCum 5

You know, if you have diarrhea, toilet paper should be out of the question. Find some baby wipes or something and learn how to properly wipe. ;)

or take a shower. def more solutions than jus toliet paper.