By Wallz99 - 19/04/2013 06:00 - Pakistan - Plot

Today, my long-distance girlfriend drunk dialed me and told me she was horny. Surprised, I exclaimed, "You're horny?" without realizing my boss was right next to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 372
You deserved it 23 373

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Drunk, horny and far away? Your boss knowing that is the least of your problems. A man on her end of the phone should be of more immediate concern to you! This is not going to end well.


XxTaliaxX 16

Yikes! that must have been embarrassing.

Boss: "Well, I thought you'd never ask!"

I would play it off like " oo she said yo homey. :p" Just cause i'm a fast thinker like that.

xXHollowIchigoXx 17

#18 I would've starred at my boss, made that face in your profile pic, and yelled "Impossibruh!" into the phone. Cuz I'm socially awkward like that.

#48 i ruined your comment by changing my picture :( i'm sorry.

I'd told boss man I felt sick and had to go!!

Tell*... even though the rest of your comment still doesn't make sense.

fishstick557 14

3 it was a long distance girlfriend

I got you man... we don't need time for grammar! we put the wet stuff on the red stuff!!

#34- No time for grammar, but then immediately correct yourself? Make up your damn mind!

RedPillSucks 31

Did you satisfy her with sexy star wars references?

perdix 29

Drunk, horny and far away? Your boss knowing that is the least of your problems. A man on her end of the phone should be of more immediate concern to you! This is not going to end well.

Just because she's horny doesn't mean she's going to cheat- clearly when she's horny she wants *him*, not some random guy, or she wouldn't have called

sotheresthisgirl 8

Did he file as sexual harassment complaint?

Maybe she thought she was turning into a know...just throwing it out there... yeah.

sotheresthisgirl 8

Ya... I thumbed my comment down too.

and u shouldve continued with 'I'm sorry, but I'm busy at work so I can't help u there' ...... to boss ' as I was saying .....'

or maybe just "and how does this concern me?"