By Hannah - 13/06/2013 16:19 - Australia - Caulfield North
By Hannah - 13/06/2013 16:19 - Australia - Caulfield North
By pchemist - 22/02/2009 00:13 - United States
By Anonymous - 13/10/2014 17:03 - United Kingdom
By Anonymous - 23/08/2013 23:30 - United States
By Anonymous - 24/03/2016 15:23 - United States - Bellefontaine
By O-|---<=~ - 18/10/2013 23:01 - United States - Bellingham
By Anonymous - 02/11/2014 06:30 - United States - River Falls
By imnotacheateryouimmaturefuck - 27/11/2012 01:41 - United States - San Mateo
By Anonymous - 16/09/2019 00:01
By Anonymous - 12/09/2022 18:30
By Anonymous - 27/04/2013 04:11 - United States
Count it as a blessing that he broke up with you, you don't want to be with someone that stupid anyways.
What relevance does your comment have towards mine?
He's in the Newbie stage. who knows how long until he reaches the level of figuring out girls don't pee out of their vaginas. That one's for the intermediate level.
Technically that's exactly what the ******** is. That's the part which develops (in the male foetus) into a penis. It's got the same nerve endings, which is why it's so maybe your idiot boyfriend is smarter than he realizes...
I just logged in to write exactly the same thing.
Well then I leaned something new today
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayYou'd be surprised how little some males know about basic female anatomy.
I know a girl who didn't even know where her own ******** was (she was 18)
An episode of "Sex and the City" made a few girls break out the hand mirror and look right then and there!
48 - I believe that's also in Fried Green Tomatoes
Hmmm. Might be.(: all I truly remember about that movie is wanting to rear end those bitches that try and steal my parking spot! Lol
Haha! I thought that sounded familiar but I've never seen sex and the city.
Well sorry about that. Where I live the ten year olds can give an unnervingly accurate description of the female anatomy. I'm not saying that you have to know how to use it, but if you don't know it exists that might be cause for concern.
@22 I am more surprised about OP's country's school system. In here the first anatomy thingies are taught at 5th grade (11-12y old)... and on 7th or was it 8th grade they go into bit more details... and actually teach how to put on a condom (on a banana).
159 - Nope, I'm also from Australia and we definitely had sex ed from grade 5 and onwards. The OP's ex boyfriend is actually just an idiot.
See, I'm 29, and I wouldn't be able to put a conform on a banana without giggling. That's just mean.
Condom. Damn morning eyes
When I was 13, my teacher asked who wanted to do that. Then a mean girl pointed to me and said: "Sylvasa wants to!" The teacher then made me do so in front of the whole class. I failed, didn't hold the resevoir...
Why would a child younger than 10 have an FML, let alone post something like this?
Well it sounds like he wouldn't know what to do with it anyway. Find a guy that does
I've seen some big chacha's in ****, but dang girl, that's some national geographic stuff in your panties.
My mother calls it a fandango
I once had a foreign student in one of my high school classes who pronounced it as "the fageena".
I like Elliott's name for it from Scrubs, "bajingo".
"Fandango"? Your mom must be a "Queens" fan. "Galileo, galileo Galileo figaro" :P
Hoo-Ha for the win.
I see a little silhouetto of a man
Scaramouche, scaramouche, will you do the fandango?
Thunderbolt and lightning-very very frightening ME!
So you think if I touch it, it'll spit in my eye?
I call it moungie. I've heard it called a money box before lol
It's a tiny penis Anyone can see It's a tiny penis, It's a tiny penis to me
a friend of mine called it her underground.
Apparently a slang word for it in Spanish is Toto. Made for interesting times when one of the ESL classes at my school watched Wizard of Oz...
My grandmother calls it 'Jim Jim.' Awkward now that my aunt's boyfriend's name is Jim...
Cuban family so it's always been toto, bollo, chocha, or papaya
I say "vagenie" sometimes, like a genie in a bottle. If you rub it, it grants wishes.
I say cooch :P
Some British terms for the female front bottom: Fanny (which is why American tourists talking about fanny packs leads to sniggering), muff, clunge, vag, bearded axe wound, clam
This is the best thread ever.
You are forgetting the ever classy meat wallet and cum dumpster
Does it cum? Where's it go? Will you let me know?
We call it cooss cooss in my family, or coo coo for short.
Pink Taco : D
Idiots like him cause me to want to tear each of my hairs out individually and then jump into an active volcano because of the condition of the human race.
You uh... Might wanna see a therapist about that..
I'd rather just throw him in the volcano.
Was there a particular point in the courtship where he said "Are you, or are you not, a hermaphrodite?" If not, I say that you and your downstairs mix-up are totally in the clear!
oh god... the stupidity is painful..
technically, isn't it ?!
Yes. If a Y chromosome was present it would have developed into a penis, but since there isn't girls have clits. This is the typical situation anyway since there is more chromosomal combinations than XX and XY. It still doesn't justify OP's ex calling her a hermaphrodite though.
Not necessarily. The right amount of hormones introduced during that stage of development could result in female anatomy instead of male. The XY and XX chromosomes does not always dictate the gender of a baby. There are men who are walking around with XX chromosomes just as there are women with XY.
#13 from a technical point of view yes but then all females are hermaphrodites and his only choice would be to be bi or gay
Yeah 51 I did neglect that when typing my comment, thank you for adding that. The situation I was talking about was the more typical situation when the chromosomes match up to some extent, but yeah intersex people are not an uncommon thing.
adding to what #28 said ...apparently the ******** is 8-11 inches inwards when not stimulated and gets erect and stretches even more when stimulated
#130 if that's the most outrageous thing you've ever read then you better get off the internet. this is not the place for you ;p
*goes to google*
Yea. I thought that too.
Count it as a blessing that he broke up with you, you don't want to be with someone that stupid anyways.
Well it sounds like he wouldn't know what to do with it anyway. Find a guy that does