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Giving and taking

By patriarchal apparently - 29/06/2013 19:58 - Saint Lucia

Today, my girlfriend kicked me out for bringing up the idea of her maybe giving me a blowjob someday. According to her, it's "demeaning" and "sick". She doesn't seem to have a problem always making me go down on her for ages as a condition for having sex with me, though. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 246
You deserved it 10 010

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Sounds like you have some leverage, OP.

This calls for a dumping. She seems incredibly selfish.

If you want to receive it, you've got to be willing to give it

iammeorami 25

Now she's just somebody OP used to blow.....

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That doesn't seem very fair at all. You've gotta cut her off until you get your share.

Yes Op should just move on. If she's not caring enough to pleasure you orally then it's not worth it. Personally I love going down on my girl, just put some hot sauce on that puppy and chow down, yes sir it's finger licking good... Sorry for being so vulgar but we both love it downtown.

OP must have a smelly dick. Use some old spice body wash. If that doesn't persuade her. Leave her. No guy should be cursed with that type of women

MerrikBarbarian 9

105- hot sauce? I hope you are joking or your gf is a serious masochist. Heck I am a masochist and I would deck my partner if he tried that.

That's rude. I mean, it would be one thing if she couldn't do it (I know a girl who just cannot, but I'm pretty sure she's one with not receiving either..) But to say its gross and demeaning and the have you do the same is just silly. Something isn't right. Tell her it makes no sense, and maybe withhold for a whole until she opens up to idea of doing the same for you. If that starts a fight, I'd weigh my options.

I think OP should deny her his services as revenge.

#16- Or charge by the minute. He could make millions if he goes down for ages!

asnakelovinbabe 16

Indeed.... I don't know what the hell is wrong with women who think this way. There is nothing sick or degrading about it. It's fun, sexy, a major turn on, and pleasurable for both parties. To a guy, there is nothing sexier than when his woman WANTS to please him. It is a huge turn on for men.

That babe knows what she's talking about as a lover of snakes.

You know us so well, #79 *tearsheds*

79, there is nothing wrong with having different sexual preferences. I, for one, don't find the idea of a ******* (for either party) appealing. What the woman in this FML is, is selfish. However, there's nothing wrong with her thinking it's gross.

asnakelovinbabe 16

Even if some do think it's gross, I don't think the terms "sick" or "degrading" apply. Those imply that it's something that is borderline morally wrong... So no I do not agree with OP's girlfriend's ideas at all. Truthfully many women who don't like giving BJ's are that way because some boyfriend somewhere along the way pushed the issue and made it un-fun or they had some other unpleasant experience. Heck even I was there at one point. You have to relax, put yourself in the mood, and most importantly, truly desire it with every fiber of your being. And when its over... For the love of god don't spit! It's not very sexy and its that last minute detail that makes the intimacy of a good BJ complete. To spit is to reject his "gift" for lack of a better word. Guys don't like a girl going down on him who clearly hates it and is disgusted and wants nothing to do with it. Part of it is finding the right partner that may change your mind. Or maybe finding a partner that won't miss a lack of BJ's. I can't convince everyone that it isn't gross, and that isn't my goal, as not every person has the same preferences. But I have convinced many women to at least give it a second chance when they find the right guy (or gal if that's your thing!) intimacy, however you prefer it, is an important part of a healthy relationship. It's all about communicating to one another. If one person is unhappy sexually, it can and will slowly unravel the entire relationship.

Snake woman I like how you think. Your boyfriend is a very lucky guy. Don't ever change; )

leogachi 15

I was with you until you said, "For the love of God don't spit!" Just because a person spits does not mean they think giving a ******** is disgusting. People have their preferences, and some just prefer to spit.

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She thinks it's gross, but she demands it if OP as a condition of having sex. Selfish indeed.

I don't think it's sick, but I get the demeaning part. A ******** and going down on a woman simply aren't the same, sorry.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

#124- They're exactly the same....

@snakelovinbabe speaking of sick and degrading living in Maryland there is a law that states sex any way besides missionary position is sodomy. move to Maryland, become a sodomist :D

asnakelovinbabe 16

Oh god that's hilarious. I'm telling my husband were moving to Maryland pronto. Just so I can tell people yea... We're sodomists...

asnakelovinbabe 16

On another note, I'm quite satisfied with the number of women's jimmies I have rustled in this thread. U mad ladies?

I think "don't knock it til you try it" applies here. I thought the idea of licking a penis was absolutely disgusting. Then one day on a whim I tried it on my boyfriend, absolutely loved the reaction I got, and now it doesn't bother me. Not saying I love it, but it definitely helps getting in the mood.

97 - I find it hilarious that you refer to semen as "his gift". It's just cum, not an anniversary present. You don't have to pretend to like it. I don't freak out or get turned off if my guy spits after going down on me. Sure, it's not sexy, but I'd be more turned off if I knew he was doing something he didn't like.

Depends how they do it, I suppose: "not my thing" or "eeew, gross!"

asnakelovinbabe 16

162... I'm not pretending. I DO enjoy it. I'm sorry if that rustles your jimmies or that anyone has trouble fathoming that.

#188 I agree with every thing you said pretty much. My ex would force me to ******** to the point of shoving my head while I was in tears and I hated it! I never wanted to do it again! Now that I am with my fiancé and he never asks for one I love giving them to him all the time! (At least once a day I try) its turns me on seeing him moan in pleasure. (Sorry for the rated r post)

OP is your girlfriend's name 'Gail Dines' by any chance? (look her up btw, shes a pathetic anti-**** campaigning feminist)

Spitting is rude. Even your mother should of taught you not to spit. Anyway it would be like driving all the way do disneyland. Then when you get there turn around. That is what it feels like when a woman spits. Total Disappointment!!!

You're presenting your opinion as the only valid one which is the primary reason peoples' jimmies are rustled

That's pretty inconsiderate and selfish of her...

I don't mind giving my man a bj. I don't see why some women have an issue with it. it makes me feel womanly to please my man. Plus her not returning what she gets is just a bitch move.

Sack up and stop doing it for her. Two can play that game.

I have the feeling if he stops giving her oral, he won't get any sex at all. Long ago-- I remember someone once telling me, "If you're not giving your man head, another girl will be willing to do it!" I wonder how true that is? Lol

I'm sure he'll make it without getting some for a while. And yeah, if it's really that big of an issue for him, other than the whole getting kicked out bit, might be time to call it quits and find someone else.

TheDrifter 23

I seem to recall a couple rather famous people being authorities on the matter. I believe they found, through extensive study, that the urban legend had some validity.

SaraAnn1401 8

What guy is gonna stay with a chick that won't even please him? #noballs

I dunno, sex is only part of a relationship. I'm sure there's a reason OP sticks around other than misplacing his testicles. Besides, I would rather give than receive, if only because it's not sexy to stare at a girl's forehead. #HairlineFetish?

Belthazor_fml 5

LOL! What if he's like me? Maybe he doesn't WANT to stop! Maybe he really likes eating her out....

A girl who apparently only associates with dudes that are just trying to get into her pants?

75, don't be like that. Generalizations are what cause us all these problems. (racism, sexism, homophobia, etc.)

And a ******* is the only way to please a man? Now I actually feel sorry for you.

rabidpeach 5

i wager mr consise has a numb ****. its not about the view monseiur.

jw90 18

Just force it down her throat

First off, that's rape... Even if you're in a relationship, you can still be guilty of raping your partner. Secondly, she has teeth and that could be catastrophic if OP tried a stunt like that. I hope you don't take your own advice and get your dick eaten off.

graceinsheepwear 33

This is not an FML. This is a lucky escape.

tell her that she can **** herself then cuz u ain't gonna do it if she's gonna be a hypocrite like that

venus89 17

Tell her the next time she wants to have sex, she has to put out too.

Man up and don't go down on her until she starts returning the favour

"What you allow, will continue." No, I'm not suggesting dumping her, nor start demanding ********, but if you have a problem with your relationship, stand up for yourself and Talk to her about it, but be prepared to firmly stick to your guns. :p