By whyeventry? - 02/08/2013 04:39 - United States - Neenah

Today, I finally talked my boyfriend into going down on me. Everything went well until I came and instinctively gripped his head with my thighs. He panicked and we both rolled off of the bed crocodile-style. Now he's too scared to even have sex with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 159
You deserved it 12 723

Same thing different taste

Top comments

darth1 18

Honestly that sounds like a fun way to end things.

mimiminx 23

You had to 'finally talk' your boyfriend into going down on you and now he's too scared to have sex with you after rolling off the bed?! He sounds like a bit of a pussy!


darth1 18

Honestly that sounds like a fun way to end things.

DKjazz 20

But she could have snapped his neck! That's why gators do that at least.

That sounds hot! I love when a girl grabs my head with her thighs, hands or both.

Aww poor guy went through a traumatic experience. He has my condolences.

Seriously. I think it's great, and you ending like that just shows how much you enjoyed it. He should really put a little more value in what you like. Just saying.

Double standards are hilarious. If the genders were switched, the guy would be berated around here.

69 - most people are full of shit...literally :p

#98 , lol I totally agree. I guess it's true what they say, you are what you eat?

I agree #1. I would find this an achievement haha!

baseballdude1283 18

This....this was interesting to read

PterodactylMan 23

At least you got to experience it once

#63, I thought your comment was hilarious! I have no idea why there are so many thumbs down.

Chelsea_bella 20
Vaginabutter 15

plug your nose and keep on lickin

Pussy! Just clarifying that up for the comments above

hcollins1 18

I love how every comment is thumbed down. And to 56, what else are they talking about?

i love how they are funny comments yet they are downvoted xD

mimiminx 23

You had to 'finally talk' your boyfriend into going down on you and now he's too scared to have sex with you after rolling off the bed?! He sounds like a bit of a pussy!

I think 'a bit' is an understatement

It is not mentioned how much OP weighs... Might have been a drama!

Any guy that has to be talked into going down on a girl and after the experience is now afraid of sex with a girl may not be just a pussy; he is most likely playing on the wrong team. Maybe sucking a guy may not be as... dangerous for him.

I was gonna say; she doesn't seem to be worried enough about having to talk him into it!

It sounds like he isn't man enough to be having sex in the first place. BTW, that kind of sounds fun, and I would've just laughed it off.

Rethink who you allow in your pants, smh

do you give him head? maybe there's a reason he's so reluctant..

coldsteelstu 4

yeah. I think your boyfriend is a little bit of a pussy.

alshygirl 14

Wow he scares easy. He should be glad he made you cum so hard

What straight guy needs to be talked into that? You should be aiming to please her before yourself anyway.

You're just the kind of guy I'd expect a comment like that from...

NagainaFier 16

The only explanation I can think of is if he mixed up your post (please yourself before her, rather than what you actually wrote). I don't know for sure, but I'm finding I don't care much for this guy's comments.

Straight guys like my hubby, unfortunately :(

Your boyfriend doesn't know how to have fun ...