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By rejected - 23/12/2013 10:44 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, my mother was reading an annual Christmas letter from an old university friend. When she remarked that she could have married him instead of my father, I replied that she wouldn't have had me then. She then said, "Exactly, I could have had his daughter instead." FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 644
You deserved it 4 119

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ah, Christmas. All about celebrating the joy that is family.


Oh my god you guys! It's number three! let's give him a round of applause for his remarkable comment! No one gives a flying ****.

#3, I had the pleasure of burying you under the 10th dislike

Thank you. I feel honored. JK my brother took my phone while I was eating lunch. He got on and commented on this. Problem? I guess so.

Now now, if your daughter lit garbage cans on fire instead of making her bed.. I'm sure you wouldn't want her either!

#22 My brother left this exact comment, so I feel for you.... wait, what the **** am I talking about?

Give your mother a biology textbook for Christmas. If she would marry him instead of your father she wouldn't have his daughter but a completely different person. Genetics come from both parents not just the father.

I don't think she meant she'd have the same daughter, she's implying she'd have had his and therefore a different child with a different personality, etc.

If she wants a different child she can make one with OP's father. Our personality is the result of the education we receive from our parents, teachers and the environment we live in. The same child born in a poor ghetto "hood" will be completely different from a child born in a rich, intelectual environment. If OP's mother doesn't like OP's personality then it's probably her fault. Making a child with another man wouldn't solve the problem if she's a crappy mother.

43. And the debate of Nature Vs Nurture continues...

Are you the ugly robot in your profile pic?

CaitiieBuggs 23

43- that is debatable. My uncle found out he had a brother when he was 30. Same mom, different dads, totally opposite lifestyles. One rich, one poor, one well educated, one drop out, etc. etc. When they came together they were almost like the exact same person, it was kind of creepy. I don't disagree everything you listed off does effect personality, but don't discount the power of genetics.

SuperMew 22

There are a set of twins who were raised by different parents, adopted out to different families. They lived mirrored lives, married women with the same name, smoked the same cigarettes, had the same job, got the same degree. So while nurture and nature play a huge part in developing a person equally, there are things about people's personalities that parents just cannot control--mental illnesses, interests-- which is why nice parents can raise murders and abusive parents can raise saints.

I was raised in the same environment with the same parents as my sisters and yet we all have very very different personalities. Polar opposites. Who knows if birth orders had anything to do with that or the other studies that says your personally is usually determined by the age of 6? Nothing is a cookie cutout of whom you will become. (:

#73 Am I the only person thinking about parent trap?

@74 Did you and your sisters have the same friends, go to the same classes, have the same hobbies etc? Yes, I agree genetics are influencing our lives but people underestimate the influence of the environment. Even though sisters have the same parents they still can grow in a completely different environment. It's our choices that show who we truely are not our genetics. If someone is lucky enough to have good teachers and ambitious friends he could achieve a lot and end up as a rich doctor with a perfect family and a nice house even though his IQ is average and he's a little lazy. On the other hand if someone is very smart but lives in a place where he cannot use his gift and his parents don't give a shit he will achieve nothing in his life. Sisters can be different not because of the genetics but because they had better friends, better teachers, parents liked them more than the other children etc. Even a simple thing like receiving a book or a violin for Christmas can completely change one's life. The environment I was talking about is so much more than just the house we live in and our parents.

OP, just remember, it's your choice whether she stays in a nursing home one day.

Ah, Christmas. All about celebrating the joy that is family.

Looks like someone's mother is getting coal in their stocking the ;p

thejewishfuhrer 17

I'll stuff her stocking all night long....giggity.

Well someone is extremely bitter isnt she??? f her life since she is so dissatisfied with it.

1PersonIsMyWorld 22

I clicked on the comment section just to verify someone said ops mom is a total bitch and it appears that it was mentioned plenty but I'll say it once more to make sure... op your mom is a total bitch!!!!!!

caohm 18

recite those words when she's too old to take care of herself.

Don't fret, I'm sure she didn't mean it the way it came out. Merry Christmas!

I'm sorry but the way she said it sounded pretty specific to me.

I like how both of you stated the opposite ends of the statement and you both got down voted.

When their offspring started spouting yolo, swag & wearing pants that have a crotch that hangs so low, it looks like a full nappy that needs changing.

Or if their kid wears two pairs or shorts, one to have on normally, and the other to yank down halfway over their knees. (Sadly, yes, I saw that. Guy pulled them up then back down before he got into a car...)

I love the fact that that started as a signal for prisoners to say they were open for anal sex

That's horrible, OP! Maybe she didn't realize how crude that sounded.

Holy damn. That's an awful thing to say to your child.

Boohoo69 4

Don't say something, if you're not prepared for either a positive or negative response.

\ 28

Then... don't say anything at all?

Rainhawk94 27

Not even as a joke is that appropriate.