By band13geek - 15/12/2016 01:59

Today, I tried to give a four-year-old I was working with a high-five for finishing his math worksheet. He high-fived me with the pencil. And I don't mean the eraser side. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 226
You deserved it 633

band13geek tells us more.

OP here. The child was holding the pencil when I asked for the high five and *might* have not realized what he had done, but he isn't one to follow the rules, which I enforce more so than some of the other teachers, so he could have done it on purpose. I'm not really sure. All I know is that it hurt! But at least he should know now to not stab people.

Top comments

He was just holding it when I asked for the high five. I don't know if he forgot to put it down or if he just felt like stabbing me (which would make sense since he doesn't like me...)

TwinkleToes7 15

This is a great pointer to avoid in the future!


TwinkleToes7 15

This is a great pointer to avoid in the future!

It's not the pencils fault, it's the person behind the pencil. Don't blame me for your misery, you'll survive OP.

Did he just like stab you with the pencil or did he puroosly put it between his fingers so that he can stab you while high fiving?

He was just holding it when I asked for the high five. I don't know if he forgot to put it down or if he just felt like stabbing me (which would make sense since he doesn't like me...)

Dont be fooled; he knew what he was doing.

I did this to myself a long time ago. Still have the mark under my skin

My kindergartners are really good about putting whatever in their hand down before giving me a high-five. So it makes me wonder about that student

doglady 16

What kind of math worksheet is a 4-year-old doing?!

OP here. The child was holding the pencil when I asked for the high five and *might* have not realized what he had done, but he isn't one to follow the rules, which I enforce more so than some of the other teachers, so he could have done it on purpose. I'm not really sure. All I know is that it hurt! But at least he should know now to not stab people.