By oh dear - 25/10/2009 09:06 - France

Today, my daughter threw a can of hairspray into the fireplace because she saw someone do it on YouTube. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 319
You deserved it 5 174

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Haha, I think someone needs to restrict access to the internet, lol

In other words: "I fail as a parent, Internet is raising my kids." I agree, **** your life. And **** your kids' lives, too.


Haha, I think someone needs to restrict access to the internet, lol

Ajjas013 6

Maybe a tribal ritual. IF she dances around the ashes of your house.

Teach responsibility BEFORE letting her go unsupervised on the internet. YDI. YDI even more if you were the one who showed it to her.

m0tl3ycru3qwr 0

wow if your going to post a comment please make relevant to the FML, it's not a competition to see who posts the first comment, you mother*****

haaa, you have an awesome child, but hope it didn't do too much damage (N)


Haha for real she was just having fun I did stuff like that but I was probably a bit smarter haha

In other words: "I fail as a parent, Internet is raising my kids." I agree, **** your life. And **** your kids' lives, too.

Sun_Kissed18 25

Agreed. 4 year olds shouldn't have access to internet. This story is proof enough.

Yeah, because she couldn't have seen it at a friends house, right? It had to be at their house on their computer, right? God, be a little more open minded smart ass.

They are not blaming the internet, they are blaming the retarded parents that shouldnt breed. Now, if you all excuse me I'll go upload a youtube vid where I "cut" my wrist using some effects and then tell kids how cool it is. Let natural selection do its magic

Same goes to you, smartass. I wasn't referring to watching the video. What I meant is, if OP taught the kid right, the kid wouldn't have thrown the can. You know, teaching your kids what's dangerous and what's not is kind of being a parent, don't you think? I suppose you're one of those geniuses that blame TV and violent video games for all the crimes and stuff. EDIT: See how #42 got it right.

Well now, this is what i think: 1) You can now say that you survived an explosion. 2) You're kid now knows that throwing hairspray into fire is not the best idea. 3) You got to witness an explosion, for God's sake! That's pretty damn awesome, if I do say so myself, my incredibly negative friends.

You guys suck, we don't know how old the kid was, so they could've been four or three, and a four year old can hardly be accounted for their actions. Plus, with the internet and massive access to information, it's pretty much impossible to regulate what your kids watch unless your with then 24/7, so yes, this is an FML.

#55: It's "Your". You wouldn't say "You are kid..." and 64: If I had a 3 or 4 year old, they would NEVER be on the computer that has internet alone. Have a password on the computer so they need you to let them on, thus informing you that they are on the computer. (and 64, it's "you're with them 24/7")

Torialovesya 0

11 - How do you know it was a four year old?

wet11 2

Today I decided to do the experiment I saw on Youtube and threw the hairspray. It went boom!!!! My mother grounded me for a month cleaning up the mess and not seeing my friends FML

GR3453m0nk3y 4

i hate it when people do this its so annoying and not funny get a life, loser

Don't blame YouTube for your daughter's obviously poor genetics.

It's not genetics that make you light fires. It's how you are raised.

noshitsherlock 0

Your life is ****** because your kid is a ******* dumbass. I saw "2 girls 1 cup" but I will NOT re-enact that because I have a brain, much unlike your stupid kid. Yeah, let's copy shit we see on the internet!!!!

Sun_Kissed18 25

You've got to be kidding me. Seriously? She is four ******* years old!! How the hell is she supposed to know! I'm actually surprised you have the brains the find this website. She is not a "******* dumbass" she is a child. Not unlike you. It is fail parenting because 4 year olds should be on the internet. #9, I seriously hope you are a troll otherwise I have lost all faith in humanity. (Actually I may already have lost faith when I heard a 16 year old in my spanish class ask us what 900 + 100 was. She wasn't joking.)

I just went and created an account to inform you how much of an idiot you are. It doesn't say ANYWHERE that the kid is 4 years old. Get your facts right before you start accusing people of being "trolls" and "brainless".

noshitsherlock 0

Thank you, minicooper01. Clearly, Sun_Kissed18, YOU are a ******* idiot too. LEARN HOW TO READ before harassing people!

You are a ******* retard, not only are you wrong on the age but she IS ******* retarded just like her dumbshit parents that shouldnt breed.

diablonegro 0

lolwatlol,personally,i think sunkissed 18 has got it right. Think about it,how many grown up women go to xtremes just to look like what they see on TV? How many grown up men take steroids just to look buffed like actors? If even us adults lack the common sense not to immitate what we see on TV,can you really expect a child not to? Clearly,it just shows your understanding of the real world,and how ignorant you are.

blkwhtrbbt 0

you seem convinced that your own genetics are worthy. I hope for your sake that you are soon disillusioned. Self-righteous and hateful people are a deadlier race than any idiot or retard ever born.

did she happen to see it on "equals 3" (raywilliamjohnson)

I'm not going to lie, after I saw that episode, I actually considered throwing hairspray into bonfires. From a safe distance of course.

jchansfan 0

OMG EQUALS THREE! :D Haha RWJ is great, its funny beacuse little kids do seem to watch him too, lmao...

iluvevil01 11

Lmao. My first thought after reading this was if she happened to watch equals 3 by ray. :)