Alexa, play "You'll Always Find Me In The Kitchen At Parties" by Jona Lewie

By Anonymous - 09/10/2009 18:48 - United Kingdom

Today, the guy I'd been talking to online and liked came to my house party with a bunch of mutual friends. He spent the night sitting in the corner on the sofa talking to my cat. I woke up later to see that not only had he crashed for the night, but he'd curled up in the dog basket. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 672
You deserved it 9 286

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dude. You should have joined them in the basket. Enough room for twooo ;3


Dude. You should have joined them in the basket. Enough room for twooo ;3

To you're actually posting this from tomorrow...or is this a prediction for how he's gunna wake up

One, all FMLs start with "Today" so she could have woken up in the morning and this all happened two weeks ago. Two, she didn't say she slept the night, it might still be 3am. Weird taste you have OP. Ask him what drug he was taking before the party?

all it means is he likes it doggie style!

Or the guy's a graduate of Hogwarts.

T_r_i_c_k_Y 0

Sounds like he's into animals more than he is into woman. Take him to a horse farm. He'll love you forever.