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By pikachu - 20/01/2009 20:00 - United States

Today, my girlfriend farted in her sleep, woke me up because it was so damn loud, and my room smelt like rotten noodles for about an hour. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 582
You deserved it 4 544

Same thing different taste

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alleygirl 0

See, what you need to learn is the Self-Dutch Oven in vengeance. Next time you let out a big 'un under the covers while she's sleeping, sneak out in such a way that still contains the gases under the blankets. Then turn the lights on. She'll throw the covers over her head to hide from the light.

stock up on air fresher. It is a normal human thing to fart in sleep. You probably do it but don't realize it. Grow balls and stop worrying about stuff like this.


stock up on air fresher. It is a normal human thing to fart in sleep. You probably do it but don't realize it. Grow balls and stop worrying about stuff like this.

PimpdaddyCJT 13
alleygirl 0

See, what you need to learn is the Self-Dutch Oven in vengeance. Next time you let out a big 'un under the covers while she's sleeping, sneak out in such a way that still contains the gases under the blankets. Then turn the lights on. She'll throw the covers over her head to hide from the light.

Why vengeance? She didn't even know, it wasn't her fault.

Today, my boyfriend heard me fart in my sleep--it woke him up because it was so loud. Then rather than be understanding like a mature/rational human being, he proceeded to complain about the smell and post the incident on fmylife for strangers to read. FML

Lady_Bow 4

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Why do people insisit on rewording FML's in an unfunny way... This is also clearly fake, we all know girls don't do that ;)