By ... - 16/06/2013 20:57 - South Africa - Port Elizabeth

Today, my boyfriend and I talked about our past relationships. He said he broke up with his last girlfriend because she was "too smart" for him, and that he felt better being with someone who "doesn't have too many lights on upstairs, if you know what I mean." FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 400
You deserved it 6 199

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LookAttMyyLifee 12

Tell him your last boyfriends dick was too big , so you wanted to settle for something "smaller".

Maybe you should break up with him for being rude and insulting


Maybe you should break up with him for being rude and insulting

Damian95 16

Or stupid enough to voice out loud an opinion only a cave man would have.

FML should make it so that the OPs can comment on their own posts.

43 Oh, I never saw any OP comment on their own post thats why. ******* bastards down voted my comment -_-

Or because he "doesn't have too many lights on upstairs, if you know what I mean."

Time to dump his ass for doubting your intelligence.

He's not doubting anything, he's just saying she's dumb.

But what if she really is not that smart? Is it right for her to dump him for being honest?

Has anyone thought he may have been joking?

Only one way to test this out. OP, where is Canada??

93 - Seeing as OP isn't American they actually probably know that, smart or not.

generalasskicker 12

Shouldn't living in America give me an advantage to knowing where Canada is?

@97: It was a reference to a previous FML.

either he's right or he's not right. depends how you take it OP.

Maybe his last gf WAS too smart for him... Like bending spoons with her mind smart

Even IF it's true, that's the sort of thing you keep to yourself. Saying it achieves nothing, other than hurting someone you should care about, or shouldn't be with at all if you don't. Unless he was trying to be funny, everyone fails there at some point.

Revealing your own ignorance always benefits those around you. Stupid people, like farts, should glow so they can be avoided.

LookAttMyyLifee 12

Tell him your last boyfriends dick was too big , so you wanted to settle for something "smaller".

InfamousRaider 15

Little racist about the godzilla part man, you took it too far.

Nothing is taking it too far, you Sensitive Sally.

good idea, then she will definitely prove her inferior intellect to him, and he'll love her forever!

Get out fast that kind of thought pattern is not going to be well for you if you stay with him

myoukei 31

I actually pity men who are afraid of bright women. Living with a mindset similar to that in the dark ages must be rough....

TheDrifter 23

Odd factoid, medieval men preferred smart wives, as they were in charge of child rearing and an ignorant or stupid son was considered shameful. How they treated those wives however, lives up to the stereotype.

myoukei 31

Huh. Learn something new every day!

so rule of thumb... or rule of the wrist... anyone?

Best movie ever 75 Shut You're Fat Ass Rayvie! I can't buy a pack of smokes without runnin' into 9 guys you've ******!

man_in_black08 28

Maybe should tell him your last boyfriend had too many lights on downstairs ;) if you know what i mean.

This doesn't make sense but we get what you mean

You made it sound like he had too many testicles, haha.

Tell him you're surprised, because that's exactly why you are dating him!

Well now maybe you should break up with him for being an asshole. You're smart enough to know what's worth your time, OP! And he is not if he doubts your intelligence.