By Anonymous - 18/03/2014 14:56 - Japan

Today, I found out my ex just got engaged to a girl he met 3 months ago, shortly before he ended our 5 year relationship. His reason for breaking up was that he didn't believe in marriage and couldn't be with someone who wanted to get married. Right. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 793
You deserved it 4 058

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I see this as a good thing because you almost married him.

ariiewilliams 17

What an ass. At least you ended ot so you wouldn't have to be with someone so two-faced


Wasn't it? Her comment has me reevaluating my entire life.

It says your a dude but I ain't gonna judge...

thevanitydiary 5

12 and 23: Let her comment what she wants. You 2 disecting someone's thoughts is more shallow than "wow." Your ideas aren't all golden either, not even close.

ariiewilliams 17

What an ass. At least you ended ot so you wouldn't have to be with someone so two-faced

If you read it properly he ended it not her.

ariiewilliams 17

I see this as a good thing because you almost married him.

exactly. its easier to break up and move on than divorce and move on. in most cases anyway.

The heck is that man doing in your profile picture? Oh nevermind. He's just swinging on a wrecking ball.

At least he's doing it better than Miley

Believe me, if you stayed in a relationship with someone who lies like that, you wouldn't end up happy. Sounds like you deserve someone more mature.

JMichael 25

You definitely dodged a bullet. You'll find someone who's willing to marry you someday.

That's messed up. Just slam it in his face when you have a new partner with an amazing body

Because that's all that matters in a relationship (sarcasm, if you couldn't tell).

jazzy_123 20

My friends bf works out and has a six pack and he's a dick! So NO, body does not matter! I would rather show off my bf for being a sweet heart! And he's fat (my fatty:) I know there's lots of girls out there who don't care what body he has. They want him for his personality, but there's no way I'll let that happen! lol

cjwayy 22

He's just deep into a delusion of love. He's merely infatuated with this girl, and their engagement/marriage will not last very long. And you have the pleasure of sitting back and watching it all crumble. :)

Not necessarily, I know a couple who got married after 4 months and are still together 20+ years later

That's probably because neither were douchebags

That is inaccurate I married my husband two months after dating him.. Secondly you do not know what type of girl friend she really is.

larrena2377 26

Look on the bright side, at least you're not with the immature ass anymore!

Well on the bright side, you never married that idiotic jerk!