Good boy

By TrainedBF - 12/09/2009 12:00 - United States

Today, my girlfriend, who is a dog trainer, was telling me all about the techniques she uses at work. I commented on how the dogs must be stupid to fall for such simple tricks, to which she replied, "They worked on you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 737
You deserved it 47 110

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mathsponge 0

GahhahahhHhHa I luv ur gf... Ydi for calling a dog stupid


thyaftermath 0
thyaftermath 0

awh you ******* bitches why did you do that to my comment? ; (

Ive seen a similar FML with 'super nanny' ... Also, please tell the person above me to go drown in a well somewhere, after being castrated with a hammer :)

xMooMoox 0

Yeah exactly, I call fake How did this even get moderated?

Not consensually. And I agree with nuttinick - a stripper's tricks would work even better.

Oh, KaySL, Don't put yourself down. You're so damned sexy, we didn't get to the midget ****, you made me "**** in My Pants." Maybe next time at least one of us will be able to take off some of our clothes. Please stop being so hot ;)

KnotSlipKnoTSiC 0

YDI for dating someone into ***********

mathsponge 0

GahhahahhHhHa I luv ur gf... Ydi for calling a dog stupid