By darn it. - 20/02/2009 16:16 - United States

Today, I was at a bar with a friend. A guy came up to me, took my drink and drank it. I laughed and jokingly said "now, you have to buy me a drink." He said "I would rather buy your friend a drink." FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 048
You deserved it 4 156

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think he likes you and was trying to bully your self esteem so he could have a better shot at getting with you. Doesn't sound like it worked. I bet the look on your face when he said that was PRICELESS though. Wish I could have seen it. Dust yourself off, you are probably hotter then your friend.

I know it sucks, but if I was sitting next to you and saw that happen, I'd be laughing. I'd stand up for you and probably buy you another drink myself, but I'd be laughing.


I think he likes you and was trying to bully your self esteem so he could have a better shot at getting with you. Doesn't sound like it worked. I bet the look on your face when he said that was PRICELESS though. Wish I could have seen it. Dust yourself off, you are probably hotter then your friend.

you should've slipped him a roofie ... I know I would've.

Lichinamo 33

Do you just carry roofies on you?

hey you never know when a bag of roofies will come in handy

cbahh 0

He deserves to be kicked in the face for being so presumptuous. Bleck.

Yeah, totally should have kicked his junk... or punched his nose and/or teeth in. What a douche.

I know it sucks, but if I was sitting next to you and saw that happen, I'd be laughing. I'd stand up for you and probably buy you another drink myself, but I'd be laughing.

FML would be if your friend went home with him.... ouch

bambi_fml 0

ugh what a prick! i hope you threw that drink in his face!

What kind of jerk bullies a girl at a bar?