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By Anonymous - 21/04/2009 04:43 - United States

Today, my husband and I were talking about names for our expectant child. I told him since I named our daughter he could name our son. He's decided on a name from 'God of War'. My son is going to be named after a make-believe cartoon character - Kratos. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 570
You deserved it 31 986

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i dont get the "i name one kid, you name the other" mentality. why dont you just work together to find a name you both like?

"Make-believe cartoon character"?! Whoa whoa whoa, you've gone too far, there. Besides, it's a totally cool name, you must admit.


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are you ******* stupid? kratos isn't a make believe video game character, he's been around for waaaaaay longer than that game!

redsox4021 0

kratos is like Greek mythology or something. it's sad u think that it first came from a video game

ligit its a greek god. hence "God of War". lol

it's Kratos cronos is from like the incredables

iLOLatURpain69 7

560 - STFU and know what you are talking about before you open your trap. Kratos is the main character in the God of War series for PS3.

akg98 13

#560 its KRONOS and hes the titan of time not Kratos

SpearD 4

Kratos is the main character from God Of War, who exacts revenge on the god of war, furthermore making himself the god of war. But yes, Kronos is a mythical Titan.

SpearD 4

Oh, never mind, I thought you meant the character in the game. Although I thought there was a Cronus somewhere in Greek mythology.

Link5794 18

I think Cronus is an alternative spelling.

JokersHQ 21

I'm pretty sure 560 was referring to the actual deity of Greek mythology that the character of the PS3 game is based on

The K and C are switched sometimes I believe, to settle this Kronos/Cronus thing. I think cyclops can also be switched with kyklops. Weird, just something I read when doing school research on cyclopes

Brighton_Cruz 20

you're all wrong. kronos=greek cronus=roman. same dude, different names. just like zeus=greek and jupiter=roman. romans took the greeks ideas and gods and renamed them and changed them slightly.

i dont get the "i name one kid, you name the other" mentality. why dont you just work together to find a name you both like?

agreeed; & just bc its "he turn to pick" it doesn't mean you need to name your kid some stupid name like that or just a name you dont like, grow a pear & speak upp!

shyeahh_fml 19

I believe the term is "grow a pair". Fruit probably wouldn't help in this situation.

650 that was funny, but back to #2. I think compromise is the best route for names. My dad wanted to name my little brother diesel and my mom wanted Asher. So they decide Asher as the first and diesel as the middle, but we still call him diesel lol.

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"Make-believe cartoon character"?! Whoa whoa whoa, you've gone too far, there. Besides, it's a totally cool name, you must admit.

rmeyer6 0

agree with ya. kratia in Greek means rule or ruler so it's a pretty BA name if you ask me

It's most definitely a BA name, but I would have gone with Ezio since I'm an AC fan :3

MexicanTexasQtt 9

I prefer the Greek Gods names over the Roman ones.

DenBriZel 31

My daughter's name is Zelda. Just putting that out there.

not as bad as the man who named his kid ESPN.

UnearthlyEnemy 9

No way! And Kratos was real, he is portrayed in God of War. Cause he's real.

kratos is actually a greek god who symbolizes strength. You can make it cratos to look a little better.

My last girlfriend's name was Athena, she loves her name.

MexicanTexasQtt 9

I prefer Greek over Roman. It should be Ares if he wants the God of war.

Kratos and Ares are not the same Ares' Roman aspect is Mars Kratos in traditional Greek myth is the god of strength and power, son of the Titans Pallas and Styx He and his brothers Nike (victory), Bia (force) and Zelus (zeal) were enforcers for Zeus

Kratos is an awesome name. Why would you ever want that changed? I bet you would have picked a common and boring name like Joeseph. I wish i had an awesome name like Kratos

shadowcoast 0

Congratulations, you married the coolest guy ever.

if you really dont like the name, id tell him if i were you :P

trust me guys don't listen once they have their heart set on the name :/

I have a weird name and my whole life I've wished I had a generic one. **** your kid's life.

The user name is MaramaBreaksFace, so I'm going to guess Marama.

graceinsheepwear 33