By Anonymous - 19/10/2010 00:23 - United States

Today, a guy asked for my number. He used the rather annoying "You know, this iPhone has everything... but you know the only thing that's missing is your number." I might have given it to him, if he did have the iPhone, not the makeshift box of Mini Wheat Thins he had in his hand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 711
You deserved it 5 898

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This doesn't really make sense. First you are annoyed he wants your number, then you are sad because he doesn't have a phone to put your number in?

schwancy 2

Wow he has the new Mini Wheat Thins phone?!


What a moron!! Did you laugh at him as you walked away?? lol

H8rSk8r 0

This iPhone has 35% of the daily fiber needed in an average diet.

MissErikaHart 0

what's a makeshift box of wheat thins?

it's a box, and this box contains wheat thins.

Bees_fml 0

A moron? That guy's hilarious!! If I were a girl, I'd find a pick-up line like that incredibly endearing and heart-warming. Maybe I'll use it one day :-)

Thunderbender 2

Cleverness is wasted on the bitchy.

dudes a winner. ydi because you think having an iPhone is important

Ok, so let's say you don't like that pickup line. Fair enough - people have different tastes, and you have every right to make your own choices and nobody else has to like them. How is this a FML though: "Someone asked me for my number - didn't give it to him. FML"? How is your life ****** by that? What did you even lose by this event, half a minute of your time?

lol you should have gave him ur number let's see how he puts the number in the mini wheats

This doesn't really make sense. First you are annoyed he wants your number, then you are sad because he doesn't have a phone to put your number in?

Daerauko 0

she was annoyed by the cheesy pick-up line not that he wanted her number.

rallets 22

right? if he had an iphone, all he would have to do is wave it in her face and he'd instantly get her number usually works for me :P lol

I don't get the OPs problem.. I'd be more likely to give it to him with the box than the phone.

RedPillSucks 31

He should have used a cheese-nips box.

for me it would've been more likely that he would've gotten my number with the box and not the iPhone. suk it up OP the guy was funny

Wow, he's dumb! More like FHL for being so lame!

honestly that's not too bad of a pick-up line. I have heard much worse lol

Killuhk 8

Did you eat lucky charms for breakfast; because you are looking magically

schwancy 2

Wow he has the new Mini Wheat Thins phone?!

yomama97 5

wats op ? and ydi ? way do they mean?