By Anonymous - 05/12/2010 08:10 - Canada

Today, my girlfriend and I had an argument. She admitted she didn't know why she was pissed at me, but still is, and now she won't talk to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 523
You deserved it 4 178

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Way to over react. Give the girl a litle time to herself. She'll come around. And if she doesn't, I advise you find someone that gives a flying rats ass about you.


phreshboi 1
sourgirl101 28

As much as I hate to admit it, Therealfamily... may be correct. PMS is something many women suffer from and it may be difficult to control our emotions. I've heard having sex helps. Good luck trying to have sex with a demon though.

agree with 24, I sometimes get pissed at men for no reason, it sucks :/

iSitt 0

she feels you don't give her enough attention. She actually told that to you in your face but you were too busy texting to hear. Then you left for a fishing trip with your buddies.

kreally 0

#26... We get pissed at women too, but it's mainly because you get pissed at us or nag us for no reason.

Did you do something behind her back that you haven't told her about? Doesn't have to be cheating, but anything at all that you haven't told her about that you've hidden from her to avoid her getting upset with you. I know my ex used to say that to me "I'm pissed off at you but I don't know why" but it was always after I had done something she didnt know about that she wouldn't have approved of. It was almost freaky how she knew every single time. Even to this day, and we have been apart since this last Christmas, she knows when I'm thinking about her. It's beyond strange.

puffydude1 0

Girls are bitches, get used to it.

Hell man, my Gf isnt a bitch, and just cuz OP's is and u have had bad experiences doesnt make every girl a bitch.

nope, I'm a girl, we are all bitches sometimes.

Yep. So OP, you are in a normal committed relationship with a girlfriend OMG FYL. Leave her alone and come back when you've grown up a tad bc you're obviously too childish to know what it means to be in a relationship. n00b. The cause of her anger was probably very obvious at the beginning of the argument, so, YDI for not keeping track

55, are you serious, or being sarcastic? Because I'd completely agree with your post if you really meant the opposite. The girl admits she has no reason to be mad, but still refuses to talk to her bf, and HE is the one who has maturity issues?? This incident isn't that big a deal, unless it happens all the time, but there is no way the OP is in the wrong here.

A little bit from column A, a little bit from column B. My point is that arguments like this happen ALL the time in normal relationships, and he's posting it up on FML as though it's an extraneous situation. So he seems rather inexperienced in relationships, hence the "leave her alone until you grow up" bit. Dash of sarcasm here, sprinkle of rude remarks there, and voila: a comment one shouldn't take too seriously. He's free to write whatever FML he wants.

Girls shouldn't get mad at a man for no reason, but it happens. However if she even realises and admits she has no reason to be mad, but won't even talk to him, she is ****** up not him. OP, just give her time and she'll probably come back apologizing and you'll laugh over it 1 day. When a girl gets mad at you, it's never easy to make her feel better straight away, you've gotta give her time, make her miss you.

Way to over react. Give the girl a litle time to herself. She'll come around. And if she doesn't, I advise you find someone that gives a flying rats ass about you.


Good for you, tell us your trick.

bman134 0

how can he do that if she doesn't know she's being a bitch for no reason i would ignore her until she either gets over it or ******* says something

bman134 0

how can he do that when she doesn't even know she is just being a bitch for no reason I would ignore for being stupid

Exactly, ignore her so she gets a piece of her own medicine. If she gets p*ssy at you, dump her.