By Parade - 28/02/2011 06:00 - United States

Today, I was on the bus, it hit a bump on the road and made me hit a elderly man. The bus driver thought I did it on purpose and made me get off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 888
You deserved it 3 128

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A bump made you hit someone? Please, you were just looking for an excuse to slap the old nuttsack.

memo619 0

it'd be funnier if the old man punched you back


You are a failure. Second and now third. You lose the race. Here is a ******' lolly for your participation. Acehole.

Wow! Really?? I think I kinda figured that out already dumbass!

A bump made you hit someone? Please, you were just looking for an excuse to slap the old nuttsack.

what's that got to do with hitting old people?

you_and_me_fml 8

i know right, gosh.. thats everyones excuse these days

Who can resist the ol' nutsack nowadays -.-

emodude44 0

In gay porno, Old nutsack slap you!

CommonSenseKarma 17

I rather fancy the idea that the old guy rammed his head into your fist. Old people these days... can't get enough socialism on their own.

You hit an old man? Accidently? Oh my! How could this be? Back of the bus, sister-******! Hah, you wish. Walk your uncoordinated ass home.

memo619 0

it'd be funnier if the old man punched you back

that would be a great fml " i was on the bus it hit a bump i accidently hit an old man then he broke my nose Fml" lol

being on a bus while hitting the bumps is the best part for a male

testthecoal 5

at least you didn't pick you nose when he hit that bump

iIixoxiIi 0

I believe so, otherwise the driver wouldn't let him get off!