By xXangelaXx - 21/08/2011 18:23 - United States
Same thing different taste
Meat is murder
By lanbon182 - 10/04/2009 05:11 - United States
By Anonymous - 18/11/2022 22:00 - Australia
Out on the town
By Anonymous - 04/03/2024 23:00 - United States
By Anonymous - 29/05/2021 04:01
By Anonymous - 05/02/2011 06:07 - United States
Storage wars
By Will - 19/08/2021 08:02
By samantha - 27/01/2010 14:05 - Singapore
By Loveless - 05/06/2011 12:23 - Canada
By RIPJarJar - 20/10/2017 22:18
By Anonymous - 24/11/2011 10:35 - United Kingdom
Top comments
Your dad has a sense of humor
I don't see the problem, just ask to go to McDonalds or something.
Pet chicken?????? At least you don't need to buy eggs
What a loving dad!
Anyone making a choked the chicken joke? No? Well I bet your dad choked that chicken before you ate it! o_o I see why no ones made that joke now..
Is this Kramer from Seinfeld?
this one is SOOO fake lol
I don't care what the case may be. Eat the KFC.
It didn't run away... Your dad got hungry. And that wasn't KFC... It was your dads cooking.
Your dad is such a ****.
127- win for the awesome pun. (:
Pun? What pun? I was just saying that he's a penis. I kid, I kid. Thank you for catching that. ;)
16, I think the word's 'didn't'. Unfortunately for OP, now she does...
Naa curly frys or onion rings are better
I modded this but instead of KFC it just said chicken...
I love chickens... In both ways... No offense... Wait that sounded kinda wrong...
50 - that's true for in America. in Canada, kfc agreed to a waiver they only but local chicken, try are killed humanely and all the chickens have to pass a health safety test and the slaughter house has to be inspected. but ya, who has a chicken for a pet? sure, I have chickens. but we raise then to EAT them.
Where would he have taken you if your pokemon had run away? =D
Definitely Mickey D's.
Why have a pet chicken.. They're annoying with their "bawk bawk ba-BAWK". If it was as loud and annoying as most chickens then i wouldnt doubt that maybe someone let it run away.
If it was a guinea fowl they are actually very good 'gaurs dogs' Guineas are very territorial and raise a he'll of a racket if someone trespasses into their territory. They also eat ticks and other nasty little creatures so there's less worry of ticks near your home if you've got guinea fowl.
A wise man once said"... And **** roosters with their useless cockadoodledoos we invented alarn clocks we dont longer need you!"
#24 Not very wise if he likes eggs or fried chicken.
I have a pet chicken, actually I had 4 but the rest were eaten by coyotes...They're not loud unless you have a rooster.
Exactly 165, I have three laying hens and they are the sweetest little girls, people wouldn't understand unless they had them.
Get the 20 piece. Put posters around saying you got your Chicken's family fried. However be prepared to fight your chicken to the death.
Like the chicken on family guy that Peter fights with
"chucky?? You in there??"
It's OK, KFC doesn't serve chicken anyways. Ever since they switched the name from Kentucky Fried Chicken to KFC, they began to feed the public some kind of lab-synthesized protein matter.
Isn't that what every other fast food restaurant does as well? And I think the protein might have been synthesized from Doc's 'patients'. It's merely a theory, but I think we can at least say the food has questionable origins.
Oh and by the way, I love you perdix. (physically)
Well **** me with a lead pipe, this was supposed to be a reply to Perdix . lets go with The ChantelOwns excuse and say FML is out to get me.

Your dad has a sense of humor
Get fries.