By Madeline Lee - 09/04/2012 21:34 - France - Pessac

Today, I woke up to the sight of a zucchini and a condom on my bedside table, along with a note saying "I know it's tough being single." Apparently my mom has boundary issues, my dad will laugh at anything, and the fact I just got dumped means nothing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 678
You deserved it 3 018

Same thing different taste

Top comments

They're just trying to fill all your empty holes.

Look on the bright side at least the vegetable can't get you pregnant.


Look on the bright side at least the vegetable can't get you pregnant.

TheDrifter 23

So that's where vegitarians come from.

So vegetables can cum too.. wow, you learn a lot here everyday

stuner56 22

But her mom gave her a condom. Always use protection, especially with vegetables

ChrisTheCalm 9

So what the hell is the condom for..

37- so someone with a vegetable for a father would want to eat vegetables? Unless the father abandoned them at an early age I don't see this happening.

kriz_allizwell 6

you haz beautiful eyez awwwwwww.....

#104 For protection of course, so that she doesn't ruin a perfectly good zucchini.

Make sure to use that condom or you'll end up with little green cucumber babies.

Zucchinis. Zoo-keen-ees. I understand how you might mistake that for cucumber, but that's alright. I got you bro. ;)

Or, she could put the puréed zucchini in the condom, then give it to them!

VasilisaUzhasnaj 29

"Today, I woke up to the sight of a zucchini and a condom on my bedside table, along with a note saying 'I know it's tough being single.' Apparently, my mom has boundary issues, my dad will do anything for a laugh, and the fact that I just got dumped means nothing. FML

You forgot the other quotation mark... PUNCTUATION NAZI TO THE RESCUE!

23- It's not "my dad will do anything for a laugh," it's "my dad will laugh at anything."

Viciousstorms 7

They need to be more supportive. Decent sense of humor, but terrible timing.

kikiwi_fml 9

Who thumbed that down?! That was lol worthy.

Wow. Your parents must have taken all of their immaturity pills. Sorry about the breakup.

Yes, #8, and you must have taken all of your 'stick-up-the-ass' pills. Good luck with that overdose :)

stevenJB 25

Seems some one didn't inherent their parents humor...but still FYI for getting dumped.

And now you can post saying "Today, my phone ruined what i wanted to say by autocorrecting FYL into FYI. FML"

It's harder for guys to find sexually charged vegetables... Consider yourself lucky.

chane1100 6

We have 2 fruits, watermelon, and canilope.

How about pumpkins? That's a sexual veggie if I ever saw one.

* Makes a note to NEVER eat the apple pie at Zolziski's place...

RamenForTheWin 10

Well... There's always bagels.

Torva_fml 16

A bagel is a fruit? Must be a big bagel to be able to fit your junk in the hole...


That's epic lol. Nothing wrong with it I guess, besides the fact it was from your parents anyway -____-

That's a stupid comment lol. Nothing wrong with it I guess, besides the fact it was from you anyways. -____-