Noise complaint

By no sleep for me - 08/01/2013 07:44

Today, I tried to get my boyfriend to roll over while he was asleep. He snores loud enough to wake the neighbors and if he lays on his side he usually stops. Instead of rolling over, he stuck his leg in the air, farted twice, and laughed about it in his sleep. He's still snoring. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 406
You deserved it 5 736

Same thing different taste

Top comments


perdix 29

#1, that's three things (assuming the noseplug is a clip like swimmers use), which is three times the items necessary since one buttplug would solve the problem! Simplify!

Kkkiana 7

My fiancé snores just as loudly. I bought the highest decibel rated ones I could find, and can still hear him..

20 Are they solid (like a hard material) and do they form to your ears?

No the earplugs don't work, and the nose clip thing too from TV commercials, my old folks tried them all. Snore noise is a low frequency noise, it has really strong penetration strength. My mom said she used to whack my dad at sleep because of his intolerable noise, just to interrupt the snore and get a momentary peace.

Kkkiana 7

26 - they're foam and form to my ear 31 - yep, I do that too lol

Snoring is typically just the tongue partially closing off the back of the throat and the sound is the vibration of the tongue against the throat when breathing. A nose plug would not solve it, because they would just continue to snore out of their mouth.

completenonsense 16

I think #1 meant nose plugs for the OP

Beakner4564 2
U_GotitDude 18

I think he might have been fake sleeping and he just farted on purpose. Anyway, FYL OP

Nah 53, YDI OP for tryin' to disturb the man's sleep!

Haha that actually made me laugh out loud. He must've felt really good after that fart. ;)

AbstraktThoughts 13

Give him some laxatives before bed next time as revenge! >:] you'll be able to get some sleep while he's busy in the bathroom :D

jayhawkchik 4

What if he doesn't wake up in time and craps the bed?.. Then op is Also not getting any sleep . Andy if he snore loud, can you imagine what OTHER functions he does loudly? Also he's a guy and we all know that when guys get sick, they have to moan about it all damn day& night= no sleep for op. Just put him on the couch.

TheDeafWalrus 8

#23, Your grammar burns my eyes.

Why would she seek revenge for something he has no control over? I mean, if it was something he was doing on purpose, then okay. But that's not his fault.

#4- Dammit I wrote that first then changed it to their... Ok I didn't know thanks for telling me :)

My boyfriend does this to me all the time when he sleeps and it is extremely irritating. My boyfriend shifts in his sleep to fart on me so he doesn't have to smell it. He is also a loud snorer so I suggest getting earplugs and nasal strips for your man. There's not much else you can do sorry op.

zombieslayer83 19

next time don't push on his stomach.

perdix 29

Now, that's your "asshole move" on both the literal and figurative senses. Well played, sir!

If it bothers you that much you should talk to him about nasal strips.

Have you confronted him about his snoring issue? Going through the same process every night without telling him isn't going to accomplish much. Let him know, and buy him some nose strips. Communication is key, OP!

There are also those mouth guards out there for snoring and many other snoring products he could try. Not to mention that snoring is often a sign of sleep apnea.

You know what they say don't wake a sleeping snorer and now you know why.