By kenyaliving - 13/02/2013 22:04 - Kenya

Today, I've been living in Kenya in a nasty apartment for so long that when I looked down into my drink and saw a dead fly, I just picked it out and continued drinking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 893
You deserved it 5 587

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Grootensliven 10

And not a shit was given that day

At least you haven't gotten to the point where you drink it fly and all.


Imhere4fml 24

Mmm fly juice... You should try bumble bee tea OP, it has a sweet taste.

GoodLookingGeese 10

There's nothing wrong with continuing this drink, the alcohol kills germs and you're being frugal

What if OP was drinking water...or juice...or milk? Milk would be the grossest in my opinion 'cos you would see whatever remained of the fly corpse rather clearly

Well. Thanks 46. Now that godawful song is going to be stuck in my head until I fall asleep. You're an evil, evil person.

jojimugo 20

Am just happy my country was mentioned on fml. I know it's sad but am happy

What does op mean? I am new to fml thanks

GoodLookingGeese 10

So how is it to live in Kenya?

jojimugo 20

If you have money beautiful if you don't it sucks big time ... I guess it's like any other place but with a lot of corruption

tlecomer 2

In that context, I believe the word is " 'Murica".

Sucks for America to have arrogant twats like you to tarnish its reputation

Grootensliven 10

And not a shit was given that day

Uhh... Might have been alot of ***** that day...

One of which was most likely in that drink.

I always thought flies threw up when they landed, not pooped. *the more you know*

And not a single ****** was given that day

55- you can give a shit but you cannot give a ****

SenselessPattern 12

69- Unless you're a prostitute, of course.

At least you haven't gotten to the point where you drink it fly and all.

Apparently flies are very nutritious, OP should try it sometime!

#20 I don't think flies are insects being the nutritious type. They're more like the disgusting poo eating insects that are annoying and buzz around your face when you're trying to sleep.

And not a single **** was given that day.

At least he said the right phrase. I up voted this guy and down voted the other guy. Accuracy is key.

1215116a 14

You have reached a new level of existence. Bye bye consumerism.

That's alright, it's good for the immune system!

At least you're not held back by the anxiety people have over petty things like here in the US. If there was a fly in a drink here you could expect a law suit against nature :P Honestly, I commend you for your awesomeness. On the other hand, that's unsanitary!! Please call Poison Control immediately to remove your uvula!! Good for you, OP.

Michael_92 20

That's a whole bunch o crazy in one comment.

Lol at how you say they're lucky for not living in the US where you'd get sued for a fly in your drink, and then tell them to contact poison control. In ******* Kenya. You're obviously the biggest and most hypocritical asshole alive. Just saying.

Sinkhole 26

94 - What makes you think there's no poison control in Kenya? It seems like you need to step out of your bubble, and at least google this stuff. There /is/ a Kenya Pharmacy and Poisons Board.

Seriously? #9 was being people are the crazy ones.

tannerianian 11

Damn dude that sucks. Stay positive and I'd invest in a bug zapper..

wolfshadow 4

What if his cup happened to be under the bug zapper? You'd have more than just one fly in your drink..