Road rage

By howannoying - 16/02/2013 06:24 - Australia - Melbourne

Today, my mother started cursing at a lady for tooting her horn at her in traffic, because there was "no need for road rage". When I tried to calm her down, she slammed on the brakes and told me to get out and walk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 316
You deserved it 3 907

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe you were safer walking home than being in the car with your mum in that state.

perdix 29

You should have said, "Aw, mum, gimme a brake!" Even better, learn the difference between "brake" and "break."


GuessWhatKids 13

Thanks for pointing that out, I can't read.

Always nice to help :), jokes away. Sorry for the bad comment.

Next time just let her get out her road rage, so you won't get introuble or have to walk.

Road rage can make good drivers dangerous drivers.

I'd rather walk then be in a car with a road raged driver.. MY chances just seem higher that way..

#24- Yes, definitely your chances of living.

420Zombie 17

but not your chances of being on time 24

Better late than never and it could very well be never if the driver has road rage.

perdix 29

You should have said, "Aw, mum, gimme a brake!" Even better, learn the difference between "brake" and "break."

I hate when people don't no the difference between two words.

Their and There, To Too and Two, Your and You're, Weather and Whether, obviously Break and Brake. I could go on but I won't.

perdix 29

#13, you won't, but I will. You forgot they're and yore. Its and it's, discreet and discrete, principal and principle, site, cite and sight.

snufflelump 12

Brake me off a piece of that kit kat bar! Sorry Perdix, I just couldn't resist finishing your comment for you! you can thank me later.. with a kit kat bar :)

Practice/practise, Affect/effect, Quote/quoatation, alot/ a lot, A while/ Awhile

You fool... you 'defiantly' do not seem to understand Perdix' comment.

perdix 29

#34, yes, Noor, I'm surprised that you'd make such a rookie mistake. Being serious on FML? That's for n00bs!

hey, you gotta set a good example for your kids and she did GREAT!!!!

Anger issues. She should probably see someone about that. You know, find another way to vent than to throw their child out of the car....

420Zombie 17

huuuh? throwing her child out of the car to walk on the side of the road like a deranged hitch hiker ISN'T good parenting?!

Maybe you were safer walking home than being in the car with your mum in that state.

Lionesse 15

OP auto know that Mom's can be crazy drivers.

iarefatal 9
Lionesse 15

#19 It's a play on words. Otherwise known as a pun. Auto is a car. Like automobile. . . . . Why did you change your comment all of a sudden.. That grinds my gears.

iarefatal 9

My mistake, I was just looking at perdix's rant on word mix ups. I admit defeat

iarefatal 9

Changed it out of shame that I was one of those pun oblivious commenters>.<