By shelbylove115 - 22/02/2013 05:35 - United States - Nevada City
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 05/01/2020 03:00
Stay indoors, it's safer at the moment
By iamScaredyCat - 03/04/2020 20:00
By haunted - 24/11/2011 20:30 - United Kingdom
By lights on forever - 02/08/2013 20:57 - Turkey - Istanbul
By Anonymous - 29/04/2009 23:12 - Canada
By i see fat people - 07/12/2012 21:10 - Australia - Canberra
By ??? - 04/01/2025 15:00 - United States - Buffalo
By Anonymous - 27/10/2009 04:22 - United States
By igotsbadluck - 17/07/2013 21:44 - United States - Smyrna
By hedayk - 15/05/2015 20:26 - United States - Bronx
Top comments
Pussy. Someones been watching too much paranormal activity and exorcism movies.
Asshole. Someone's been neglecting her tampon changeover rate.
24- No one cares about your live-in cum dumpster's willingness to let you grunt little potential asshole children into her uterus, or how often she lets you do it.
She'd abort them. YOU would brag that she's perpetually on her back because she can't do any better with her life. Because that's obviously what people boast about on the internet. You're like a failed attempt at an "overly-manly man" meme. Just the redneck, highschool dropout version.
So the reference to a meme didn't alert you to the fact that I know you're a troll? That's kind of funny. Let's spell it out. "You're a really bad troll" Was that easier for you to grasp or should I write it out phonetically?
Ooooh, I see a cat fight developing. No please, ladies. Don't let me interrupt. *grabs popcorn*
Doc can I sit this one out? Todays "Act like an idiot online" quota has already been filled to overflowing. I can feel my brain cells committing suicide already.
I'll take it up, I'm bored. Let's see, the fact that he's 14, hairy palmed and trying way too hard to sound "cool" in his trolling has been covered; can we move on to the last part of his name and point out that pot smoking has obviously killed off a large percentage of his essential brain cells?
We all got deleted lol
we should start another inane and pointless thread and have it get deleted
Yay it worked!!!
What happened to the cat fight? And the thread?
It never happened. Clean slate :)
Haha hililarous :) u must be ugly...
If the room was pitch black she was most likely scared of the outline she saw and not the facial features..
Reading this kinda scared me, so I feel for OP
This has happened to me, but I froze like a deer in the headlights, I didn't scream.
44- What else would you freeze like, you silly deer?
This only happens to me after I watch a horror film, and the aftermath lasts about a week. It is ******* horrendous. Especially if you rear up to punch it, and it does the same. I learned muy thai the next day.
Could be worse, I was staying over at a Catholic dudes house and woke up his whole Catholic family with my scream of "************!"
Who is that girl I see? Staring straight, back at me?
Leave a small light on if you're that skittish. Derp.
I can't say this has ever happened to me, but I can say I probably would be scared shitless if it did.
Well she WAS in the bathroom.
Just be grateful it wasn't Bloody Mary coming to get you!
Bloody Mary I killed your baby.
You've been watching too many scary movies.
At least it wasn't an actual burglar whom you thought was your reflection.
You don't understand how scary this is until it happens to you
The scariest thing was probably that the stranger shrieked back.