By Anonymous - 17/03/2013 19:09 - France - Minzier

Today, I went to the gym with my grandma. In the span of an hour, she was hit on more than I ever have been in my life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 361
You deserved it 4 305

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mpj13 8

Guess your grandma is picking up more than just weights.

euphoricness 28

Don't worry OP. when you stop searching for something, you will find it! But damn your grandma has it going. :)


mpj13 8

Guess your grandma is picking up more than just weights.

OP needs to pick up some pointers from granny and stop gagging during practice or she'll never get a man XD

As in, Stacy's MOM has got it going on. so OP's granny is Stacy's MOM

Go granny! She probably worked hard to look that good! Sorry op, just remember confidence is key :)

euphoricness 28

Don't worry OP. when you stop searching for something, you will find it! But damn your grandma has it going. :)

GMILF??? Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle yeah

therealafroninga 10

I think the plan was G for grand and the M for mother.....just an opinion

We don't like opinions around these parts, no matter how logical.

bamagrl410 31

But grandmother is one word. So it'd still be GILF.

... What about granddad? ... If youre into that sort of thing...

30 why do people confuse interpretations and opinions... it's not the same!

KareBear7364 5

Well instead of dwelling on it, perhaps you should learn from her:) She's obviously doing something right lol :)

DontClickOnMe 28

Well was it old guys hitting on her or guys your age? Because some old guys can be pretty pimpin' if you know what I mean. But if it was guys your age, then I'm sorry, that kind of sucks.

therealafroninga 10

Nah, GILFs are all the rage. Like a sweet fruit, they come juicy-er with age. *no pun intended*

etoilenuit 15

Um actually #37 and #27... It's they *become* *juicier*.. With age..

Ah, dang. I was rushing a little in that comment.

damn she must have the body of a 20 year old

Were you in a senior citizens gym? You know the ones where they have old people friendly equipment? No? Oh, I guess we're the ones who have it :/

With her big bouncing ta-tas? Well duh, what else did you think would happen!

Well that sucks obviously, but perhaps one day you too would have a granddaughter who can say the same about you.

Wait, are you saying that you hope she has a granddaughter that goes through something that makes her feel bad about her own appearance?

Who cares, you go to the gym to work out, not to socialise.