By SadPuppy - 22/05/2013 07:14 - United States

Today, while grieving over the loss of my Grandpa, I called my girlfriend for comfort. After I had cheered up, she said, "Don't worry, he went to Hell anyway." FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 832
You deserved it 3 550

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's awful. Some people don't know what to say when others are in pain, maybe, or maybe it was a joke you didn't quite catch and was at an unfortunate time. If she really is being so disrespectful to your grandfather and so careless about your grief, confront her about it. It's not the kind of thing you can just let slide in a relationship.

what possibly made her think that would comfort you... Unless she thinks you're going to hell too?


what possibly made her think that would comfort you... Unless she thinks you're going to hell too?

Maybe she wasn't thinking and said what she honestly felt. For all y'all know, he could've deserved to go to hell.

Well I guess we know where she is going.....

ThatGuyWhoTalks 10

One can't simply go to hell if it doesn't exist

Finn_the_human 5

Why would you go to that for comfort? Also why would you be dating that?

That's awful. Some people don't know what to say when others are in pain, maybe, or maybe it was a joke you didn't quite catch and was at an unfortunate time. If she really is being so disrespectful to your grandfather and so careless about your grief, confront her about it. It's not the kind of thing you can just let slide in a relationship.

Relationship advice, from pleo? I was expecting something punny instead.

grahmagog 14

Sometimes people are just too inconciderate because perhaps they havent experienced a loss themselves

She just doesn't know when - or how - to show compassion. If my boyfriend happened to lose someone close to him (thankfully he hasn't!), the first thing I would do is support, comfort, and help him cope with his loss. She unfortunately lacks that ability, which could ultimately end that relationship :( Op I'm so sorry for your loss. That was really insensitive of her to say. You should definately talk to her and see why in the hell she thought that would help ease your pain

damn, your girl friend is a bitch or your Grandpa did something to her. Also, I'm sorry for your loss and may your grandpa rest in peace

regardless of if grandpa did something to her or not, it does not excuse her lack of sympathy. no one should speak ill of the dead.

I just lost my mother... I had to deal with her mom, her aunt and someone who was supposedly her best friend calling me on the day of her service asking for her belongings. I am sorry but this hit my heart in a bad way. no one should have to deal with such idiotic, rude people. and I'm sure his grandpa did nothing to the extent that hitler did.

That really depends on her tone... I mean I personally believe all the rockstars will be in Hell, so maybe she meant, "Don't worry, he's with the cool sinners, rocking out in the lake of fire."Since you had cheered up a little, maybe she was going for the inconsiderate joke.

Sorry for your loss, OP. May your grandfather rest in peace.

I'd prefer to go to hell than be in Heaven surrounded by people saying I told you so :P

shyeahh_fml 19

Good thing neither actually exist, although I am a bit bummed that we won't be able to tell the militant Christians, "I told you so."

Sorry for your loss op but why on earth would your girlfriend say that?

gurly98 13

Use your brain dumb **** and read the FML.

55 In the FML it doesn't say why she said that. Maybe you should stop being rude and calling people names

That was really rude of her. She's a bitch and you shouldn't have to deal with that. Sorry about your grandfather.