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Wrong end of the stick

By anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Saint Paul

Today, while I was jogging, a guy tackled me and got my iPhone. Being a good runner, I caught up with him and grabbed him. Next thing I knew, I was on the ground with a policeman yelling in my ear. The thief got away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 656
You deserved it 3 453

Top comments

Bad boys bad boys what you gonna do what you gonna do when they're mistaken for you?

ApollosMyth 22

So I assume the police-man thought you were attacking/mugging the guy, in which case, that is really unfortunate.


Bad boys bad boys what you gonna do what you gonna do when they're mistaken for you?

Wizardo 33

'Who let the pigs out? Who, who, who, who?"

#12: Show some respect. I know it's terribly difficult for you, but at least try.

Wizardo 33

I'm not dissing on number one or anything, I'm referring to the cop in the FML, sorry if it offended anyone :/

#17: Yes, I know. Show some respect for the people who sacrifice daily for you.

Wizardo 33

#18, OK my bad, it was just a tasteless joke in hindsight but I do respect the services and special forces, sorry again.

CallMeMcFeelii 13

Problem with some of the police force, at least around where I am, think they're top dogs. I respect cops for the job they do, but they should respect us as well. One of the town cops drove up to the fishing supply store I worked at drinking a beer with his ******* kid in the truck. Some think they're above the law just because they enforce it.

#50 your username completely matches your comment. Well, to me at least. I found the whole thing quite "stewpid".

They don't sacrifice shit. They abuse their power every chance they get. **** pigs.

Ah yes :D everyone respects them til they pull you over for speeding, then your only allowed to hate them for that allotted period of time

#Welshite I used to have respect for cops but having met too many senseless ones I've lost my faith in their ability to make the right decisions. At least, the ones where I live anyway. On the other hand, I do agree with what a previous poster said - that you're more likely to run into the shitty ones because the good cops are actually busy doing what they're meant to do and not being dicks. I don't want to go into detail about the kinds of things I've seen cops do or say, but I don't have much respect anymore for cops and I have my reasons. At least, until I meet one who actually earns my respect. Otherwise they're just people doing their jobs (and shittily at that just from what I've seen), and they will hence get as much or as little respect as any other person who's doing their job.

Pigs will always remain pigs... They are just tyrannical socialist arms of government.

#18 please the majority of the cops in the U.S are crazy as ****

ApollosMyth 22

So I assume the police-man thought you were attacking/mugging the guy, in which case, that is really unfortunate.

There's a movie that says shit happens.

Whoa man you just stepped in a huge pile of dog shit! 'It happens' What, shit? 'Sometimes'

Or the mugger hit him and only regained consciousness when the police found him and yelled in his ear

Cop must've felt pretty sheepish after the situation was explained. Sucks that you lost your iPhone, but hey, at least you're a good enough runner to catch up to the guy and proceed to beat the crap out of him.

Hopefully you sort things out with the officer. sorry bout the iPhone

perdix 29

You should never confront a robber over a material possession -- they could be armed and might kill you! No thing is worth losing your life for, . . .except an iPhone. Good try and sorry about your bad luck.

That's so messed up...hopefully the police do something for you for letting him get away.

I'm fairly certain you can press charges on mistaken identity and damages, then buy a new phone :-)

perdix 29

#10, no, you can't. What the cop saw was the OP stealing an iPhone. He couldn't have known that you were stealing back your own phone. Even with your crazy explanation, he'll arrest you and let the judge figure out who's telling the truth.

The few cops I know would probably do something quick and dirty to figure out who owns it. Like give one of them the phone and tell him/her to unlock it. Hauling someone in for theft is like an hour of paperwork. No one wants that.

Dear Perdix. in this wonderful country im sure there are thousands of lawyers who will respectfully disagree with you.

Maybe not pressing charges and definitively, not under those terms, but maybe a lawsuit for civil rights violations would be a good idea (not for mistaking persons but for the ways used at intervention).

graceinsheepwear 33

Civil rights violations, 55? He was tackled and yelled at, not beaten.

The world is such a bitch. You are trying to be healthy and stick up for yourself and it all goes to shit. But sometimes you shouldn't risk your life in such situations. I know an iPhone cost feels like it costs an arm and a leg but there is no point in risking them.

if the iPhone cost him an arm and a leg and he's still running that well kudos man, kudos

11, I agree with you to a point, but if my phone contains sensitive information or anything of a sentimental nature, then I would attempt to recover it. My business partner would kill me if I let that information go without at least a token resistance.

slimjim8094 12

If you have anything remotely privileged/confidential on your phone, there's no excuse for not having encryption and a passphrase set up. Then it doesn't matter if it's stolen, the info is safe

You obviously have no idea how easy it is to get into an iPhone.

This reminds me of Drake and Josh and the theater thug.

TheWumbologist 14

Whoa, just take it easy man.