By Deconstructed - 19/05/2009 20:13 - United States

Today, my husband let me sleep in while he worked on the landscaping by our backyard pool. Ready for a shower, I stripped naked, opened the back door to let the dog out, and stepped out to ask him how it was going. Turns out he'd finally hired a landscaping crew. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 099
You deserved it 27 997

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you stepped outside naked? LOL. well, dont worry i bet they enjoyed it.

haha thats awesome. Im sure they loved that job, and theyll be back ANYTIME.


Wth? You let your dog out of the house while your naked, this just doesn't make sense to me

wouldn't you have noticed the people staring at you?

ajsciri4 0

Yeah, she could have come up with an excuse on the spot tho... "sorry, I'm still used to the nudist colony we moved from.."

you stepped outside naked? LOL. well, dont worry i bet they enjoyed it.

haha thats awesome. Im sure they loved that job, and theyll be back ANYTIME.


#3 - OP could be mad ugly. Also, that's rough.

americayay 0

That's a bit weird anyway. I mean, you went OUTSIDE butt naked? Where do you live? A ranch in Montana at least 50 miles away from anyone or a stone fortress? Otherwise there's a damn good chance of being seen and you probably should have known better.

YDI for sure. Try a window first next time.

Who would you get naked before letting your dog out? Crew or no crew what if you neighbours or passer byers saw? Next time, have some decency and put a robe on if you’re in such a hurry.

cilladasaurus 2

It's her backyard & her house.

Achall91 17

The could live in a very secluded spot.

but the husband could have had friends helping too. OP was stupid