By Anonymous - 09/09/2013 23:58 - United States - Elmhurst

Today, I went to a suicide prevention walk with a girl I like. Before the walk, we bought balloons to set free when they called the names of the deceased. To buy a balloon, you had to write a name on a sheet. Apparently, you weren't supposed to write your own. They called my name. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 440
You deserved it 13 824

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cubfan 4

I bet you...died...of embarrassment

Nobody should know that it was you except you and him, right? Mistakes happen.


cubfan 4

I bet you...died...of embarrassment

She probably thought it was funny! Well... Hopefully, that is.

oh my.... I wonder if that was a mistake. either way, OP, you could always say that you knew someone with the same name as you and they'd died.

Yes, because women can't like other women, how could they?

ViRepz 28

For one theres no 'real' way of them having coitus.

AnOriginalName 19

#62, you clearly haven't watched enough ****.

38 - Yeah op is a girl. Does it really matter? No.

Nobody should know that it was you except you and him, right? Mistakes happen.

courtney680 17

Hopefully OP didn't know anyone else there..

No, 46, I'm pretty sure in this context it's you and her.

48 - I think they are more pointing out its two females rather than correcting "you and her".

MikaykayUnicorn 36

After finding this out, watch as people freak out because 'op is a girl who likes a girl'

watermelon4 24

OP's crush is a girl, if you read it correctly ;)

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Umm I think it was more for the cause than rather for himself.

Pretty sure it was a sarcastic respinse. Do people not get sarcasm anymore?

That did not seem the least bit sarcastic

Yeah my bad I noticed to late the female symbol and it wouldn't let me edit it :/

Not a good sign. Don't sweat it. Just a misunderstanding.

MoronsAccount1 12

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MoronsAccount1 12

People aren't going to take this one lightly, I just know it. lol.

Even if you are joking, what you said was very distasteful and rude.

MoronsAccount1 12

Well don't joke about things that cause real pain and you won't have people telling you what a douche you are.

MoronsAccount1 12

Personally, I think you people are all hypocrites, to be honest. I believe the only reason you're so sensitive and offended by 'suicide' is because it's a "mainstream trend", and lets be realistic here, if it wasn't mainstream, you wouldn't give a shit. I don't ever see you people holding up signs trying to prevent obesity and defending diabetes, and diabetes kills 4 million people a year. "Eat the booger, stop the sugar!" "Drop the McDouble, you're in trouble!" It's THAT easy, yet you don't do it. You get no sympathy from me.

We had to be "genuine" on FML? Since when! I have been lied to!

Yes, everyone who is offended by suicide jokes is just that way because it's a trend right now. No one who has ever attempted suicide could ever get offended by it. I guess also that no one who has people they cared about committed suicide or attempted it could ever be offended either. There is absolutely no reason to be offended beyond it being a mainstream trend. *eye roll*

MoronsAccount1 12

Haven't you heard, 30? Since suicide. Apparently someone else's free will is our fault. It's not like cancer, where they can't control it, yet society thinks we an obligation to care. When I was growing up, we didn't call it suicide, we called it natural selection, because that's what it is. If you even mention the word 'suicide', you'll get pummeled by these Instagram teens and they'll tell you how much of a douchebag you are. Currently, right now in Syria, they're cutting off the heads of 40 day old babies and killing their mothers. Syrians are also cutting open and eating other Syrians hearts. Please, continue to tell me how I'm such an issue.

Pwn17 25

Nobody wakes up one day and says"Hey, today I think I'll commit suicide." They're driven to that point through often years of struggling with depression. Do you know how hard it is to go on when you have no desire to live?

Neyuu 18

37, you're right, but what does that have to do with the comment?

CharresBarkrey 15

37 - And do you know how easy it is to get help for depression?

IworkAt711 14

51- Just because you get help doesnt mean you will no longer be depressed. Talking to a therapist and taking meds doesnt just "cure" you.

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#6 It was just a little screw up, not the end of the world.

Martinez0285 28

well I guess this is the night bitches die... :p

Unless you know OP (or claim to), that is a stupid thing to say.

Someone else could have the same name...

ohro 10

Unless you have a unique name, I don't think it's noticeable.

Just a little mix up. Everyone has those moments.