By Anonymous - 10/09/2013 18:30 - United States - Smyrna

Today, I took my 4-year-old son to the bank with me. He asked why we were going, and I explained that I had a couple of checks that they would turn into money. When we got in line, he loudly exclaimed that "Mommy has checks for money!" Except "checks" sounded almost exactly like "sex". FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 653
You deserved it 4 578

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tannerianian 11

That's actually really cute. Don't worry about it. I'm sure people know what he ment.

Children make life so much more interesting.


tannerianian 11

That's actually really cute. Don't worry about it. I'm sure people know what he ment.

I do think so too, I love those lil ones!

tannerianian 11

He's a little kid... So I'm sure they would. Atleast if she explained the situation they would.

perdix 29

#1, of course, they will. They'll ask her what her rate is and what is the extra cost for anal.

tannerianian 11
CallMeMcFeelii 13

Anal better not cost extra! That should come with the package deal. I know a guy, who knows a girl, who knows another girl if you're interested, perdix. No more will those sly hookers make you pay extra for what should already be included.

Pwn17 25

Hey now, why are you only offering Perdix this deal? I'm sure as hell interested!

MikaykayUnicorn 36

#80 your prof. pic made that comment perfect.

billionair11 20

Wow I hope he doesn't have a speech impediment

He's a 4 year old. He's barely learned to speak...

He's probably just young..."ch" sounds and such are hard for young children to pronounce. I worked in a classroom with 4 year olds and some of them pronounced my name with a T instead of a C. His pronunciation will get better with age.

Yep it's probably just his age, my son couldn't pronounce truck very well and he loves them. The worst was the trash truck, which sounded like fat f*ck. Great thing is, OP, you will have yet another memory to share when he is old enough and have a good laugh together.

#20 I can only imagine how funny that is. "Mommy! Where's my fat ****? Where did that fat **** go?!"

BubbleGrunge 18

Speech is actually a fine motor skill; fine motor skills usually develop as a child grows older. The reason children have speech impediments is because the muscle used for speech, the tongue, is not fully developed. Much like walking, children must work their muscles into use which is why certain letters aren't pronounced properly. If you have children, most of them are not given speech evaluations till kindergarten and even first grade because we want children to develop their muscles naturally. Also, like potty training, pushing a child too hard too early will result in regression later on down the road.

mansen 15

It takes awhile for kids to master certain speech sounds. The kid is 4, I doubt speech impediment. My 3 yr old son has a problem sometimes pronouncing the soft c for city, so when he sees the city bus, he proclaims,"titty bus!". After I am done laughing my ass off, I work with him a little bit on the sound. It will develop as they mature. Fine motor skill is what speech sounds are.

I'm sure everyone will understand what he meant

I can't tell if eveeyone on this site is checking for things or if they mean "cheques" ... Is everyone blind and illiterate?

MoronsAccount1 12

I hope you weren't bombarded by men.

Look at the bright side: This is something you can add to your collection of funny family stories.

He's FOUR! What are you complaining about!

its still embarrassing! you must not have kids.

No, but I know that he obviously didn't mean to SAY sex. He just doesn't know the "ch-" sound.

Most kids do that. I bet the people around you understood. If not, move countries and change your name and identity.

Lmao. I don't think women in that profession usually deal with checks.