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By detour165 - 26/12/2013 05:30 - Australia - Ascot Vale

Today, while staying at my brother's place for the Christmas holidays, I had to leave because he threatened to "take me outside". Apparently he doesn't like being corrected on whether a certain car has a long wheel base version, so I guess the family Christmas is over. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 817
You deserved it 3 734

Same thing different taste

Top comments

challan 19

One does not just google during an argument. You defend your point to the death, even if there's a chance you're wrong. It's Christmas tradition.


That's a little silly. Hopefully it'll all blow over!

How dare OP insult his manly man masculinity by know one thing more about cars, the manliest man thing of all.

Y2Jfan4life 2

That reminds me of Sheldon Cooper

Yeah, it really is a stupid argument. Though I would like to know what car they were talking about.

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Exactly 3, because if OP sibling in question was a sister, this never would have happened. Males and females never disagree, especially if they're siblings

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^^^Trying to add to my comment. A misspelled word, I can understand, but really, a word that isn't capitalized is not going to destroy the world. It's a free country for #3.

\ 28

A decent guy, however, will look over his facts a second time.

#19 - Actually, male and female siblings disagree a lot. When I disagree with my brother, I get in trouble and he doesn't. I will never understand how that works.

#46 I don't think you understood the joke...

The_Big_Boss 20

Couldn't you just type it in on google to see?

challan 19

One does not just google during an argument. You defend your point to the death, even if there's a chance you're wrong. It's Christmas tradition.

perdix 29

#9, and even when you know you're wrong, you still keep defending yourself. Surrender is not an option.

Well that's very unreasonable. Hopefully he will get over it for your family's sake.

Rainhawk94 27

Someone had their egg nog spiked a little too much

Not many Australians drink egg nog. It's usually VB or Tooheys (Aussie beer, btw).

Ins0mau 20

I'd rather drink egg nog. And if I was to drink beer! I'd prefer Tasmanian beer. :-p

People get worked up for the craziest reasons. Give it some time and see if it calms down.

I have a brother like that. Every year he would start a fight with someone (usually a different person every year). Finally enough became enough. My parents and I decided that the best thing would be to have our holiday celebration WITHOUT him. So we don't invite him any more. The holidays are much more peaceful now, and you'd be amazed by how much we DON'T miss him. Sometimes even close family members need to be cut out of your life.

I couldn't agree more. Some family just can't act nice for the holidays and then they'll just ruin it for everyone else.

perdix 29

He just didn't like you pointing out his short "wheel base*" to everyone. *we all know what "wheel base" means in this context ;)