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By fuck off, dad - 02/01/2014 17:07 - United States - Philadelphia

Today, my dad is going through a midlife crisis. He now wants to be less like a dad and more like a "best friend" to me. This mainly involves him constantly texting me, sending me stuff on Snapchat, and saying stuff like "wicked cool", "bazinga", and "swag" every chance he gets. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 227
You deserved it 4 796

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Parents are meant to be parents, not friends.


Parents are meant to be parents, not friends.

nightowl713 25

It could be worse. Parents are meant to be parents yes, but if your lucky you'll have such a relationship with your parents that it can turn into a friendship later in life when their job is done, so to speak.

I can't speak for having a friend-like relationship with my parents (they're very old fashioned), but I think it's a fine line you have to walk to be able to become friends with your child later in life. OPs dad is not handling this transition very well, in my humble opinion.

Well, my mother is my best friend, and at the young age of 15, I've never done anything to get grounded, never smoked or did drugs, haven't dated or anything.. Parents can still parent while being your friend.

28, I feel like this would be a valid point if you were a couple years older... I'd never done anything when I was fifteen either, most people haven't.

^Woahhh... I don't know what it's like in Toronto, but here in BC, 15 year olds have done evvvverything.

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#32 I'm 18 and I have never went to jail, still a virgin, never drank and never smoked. Not everyone is bad when they are older...

JocelynKaulitz 28

1, That must explain why my mom unfriended me from Facebook.

I don't know parents can be best-friends, if they are really open minded and look upon the intention rather than words. For example some parents really don't care if their kid swears as long as it's in privacy. I mean you don't tell your friends to stop swearing because you aren't allowed too.

It's called parenting not peerenting

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You do know what swag means, right? S- Secretly W- We A- Are G- Gay -Unknown

Right? My parents don't even talk to me , just enjoy it!

@40.. You believe everything on the Internet? Wicked cool bro, me too dawg!

Ins0mau 20

Swag is just short for swagger, which even Shakespeare used back in the day.

#26, nobody got your doge reference :( much sad.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

#98- People probably got's just annoying.

hockeygoalie13 15

I feel like that would be embarrassing. It's nice that he's trying to get closer to you though!

Yes, it would be nice to have your parents try to get closer to you, but I don't know about any of you guys, but if one of my parents started saying "swag" I would come pretty close to throwing myself out the nearest window.

stephhrunsaway 21

Agreed. My dad ignores me (except when he barks orders at me) and spends all of his time with my little brother (I'm from a culture where boys are valued over girls).

#24 if my old man said "swag" in a serious manner and not just joking around. I would take him out back and shoot him. It sucks, but when someone is that far gone you just have to put em out of their misery.

I think OP needs to have humor about the whole situation, I would find it hilarious

#41 I read that as your dad barks at you. OP I feel your pain, my dad added all of my friends on Facebook and tries to talk like a chav in order to rebuild our friendship.

SwordSlayer99 11

Have a talk with your dad and tell him you need a father, not a best friend in your life.

That would let him down, I feel bad for him maybe it's a tuff time for him and needs someone to actually understand him. It is kinda weird but I wouldn't let down my dad if he were to do that...

Haha he's just trying to fit in with you.

dextrementor 24

Does he let you get away with more things or is he trying to be a "strict but cool" kind if dad?

Trust me, that's way better than parents that don't care for their children

Every parent goes through a phase like this.

HammyBear13 8

84- you'd he surprised. Once they hit that mid-life crisis age....Stuff starts to happen.. My dad turned into a teenage girl.

Like tweaking if you don't listen to them...?(got it from another op) Wow if my dad said bazinga 24/7 I would have to kill him in his sleep (I hate that word...)