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By neta_1996 - 03/01/2014 02:06 - United States - Mabelvale

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me two days before my birthday. Only to make it worse, I found out that he had been texting my mother on how to break up with me. To make it even worse, she was giving him tips. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 235
You deserved it 3 982

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Perhaps he was trying to find a way that wouldn't hurt you too much.

if he broke up in a sensitive way, then I think your mom need some credit, if he was a douche well...then f them both. And how did you know? ; S


JokersHQ 21

Wow, that's a really coward way of going about things. Sorry OP!

jman26 11

That's low for the mom too. Who does that!?

Maybe she just didn't like her daughter's boyfriend because he treated her like shit.

Is it, now? The mother would be able to give tips thus resulting in a less hurtful breakup.

Is it just me or doesn't he have some courage for asking the mom? I think he was just trying to find a way to hurt OP the least. I think that's pretty nice of him.

I agree with 68. Her mom definitely sounds like she is into the dude..assuming he is legal of course. (Morally Speaking)

Party away your sorrow at your birthday. Show him that your life is still joyful without him

if he broke up in a sensitive way, then I think your mom need some credit, if he was a douche well...then f them both. And how did you know? ; S

Awe honey don't worry there are Better men out there.

Better mothers, however? ... Not so much.

JocelynKaulitz 28

Sounds like mom didn't like him enough to convince him otherwise.

Maybe they just weren't meant for each other. it's kinder to break up than string her along if he doesn't love her.

Perhaps he was trying to find a way that wouldn't hurt you too much.

ema_stonez 19
Rainhawk94 27

I think the fml is mostly about the mother

Maybe that was your mom's way of helping you dodge a bullet. If he had to go to that extent to break up with you, he isn't worth your time anyway. Sorry it went down like that. Stay strong!

Well, maybe you shouldn't be this upset about the mom thing, because it was his way of finding the most appropriate way to tell you, taking advice from someone close to you. And as for the birthday thing, I know it's tough, but surely better than him postponing it and pretending.

IndridWarm 23

Exactly. There's no easy way to break up, especially around an occasion such as a birthday. It sounds like he asked your mum as she would know you better and advise him on how to soften the blow as much as possible.

If my kid's bf wanted help to break up with my daughter I would help him. The alternatives are 1) knowing my daughter is with someone who doesn't want to be with her or 2) him being completely insensitive or rude and making the whole thing worse. Also unless the dumpee has an exam or something that requires full concentration and a calm mind it's never a good idea to postpone a dumping it just makes the dumper lie to you for longer which will hurt worse in the long run.

wow, I hope you bounce back & find someone better than that douchebag

Just because she gave birth to you doesn't mean she can (indirectly) break up with you! :(