I'm not okay

By butterbody - 23/03/2014 23:02 - United Kingdom

Today, I went to a coffee shop. As I headed over to stand in line, I tripped over my own feet. I got back up, then tripped up yet again. Everyone was staring, and I was so mortified that I went to leave. I then struggled with the door under their glares before realising it opened the other way. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 035
You deserved it 6 813

Same thing different taste

Top comments

staychill 16

Everyone has 'those' days OP where nothing goes right! Just forget about it and move on. Tomorrows a new day!

I don't understand why they'd be glaring at you.


Seems like you were in a pressing situation.

More like a trippy situation if you ask me. Down with the clown I go.

I think 1 was making a pun to a coffee press of some sort.

You could have just said that bitches be trippin...

What does this have to do with female dogs tripping?

It's about as short and sweet that you can get it.

FML64128 7

No, I think 1 meant that OP should have pressed the door instead of pull. Although nowhere does it say whether OP pushed or pulled...

staychill 16

Everyone has 'those' days OP where nothing goes right! Just forget about it and move on. Tomorrows a new day!

#3's got it right, everyone has days like that, OP. My money's on everyone there having forgotten about it by lunch! You'll remember it for a while, that's the nature of embarrassment, but try not to fret too much. Damn shame you didn't get your coffee, though. There lies the true FML of the situation.

On days like this one can laugh, cry or write an FML...

It does happen to everyone, the other day I fell while I was putting gas on my car, it quiet hilarious and awkward, oh well, we all have those days like number #3 had said.

Trippy! But sorry about that. Everyone has one of those days! Maybe if you drink the coffee you will wake up more.

This story would be even more funny in Holland seeing what a coffeeshop and tripping mean :)

I should've known I wasn't the first one to make that connection.

I don't understand why they'd be glaring at you.

Maybe those other people hadn't had their coffee yet.

#6, agreed! I'd be laughing my head off!

I think I'd have to look away due to severe secondhand embarrassment.

Oh, don't worry about them. I once had a sudden nosebleed when I was ordering my coffee and the cashier looked at me with a terrified look before I realized what happened to me. Just shake it off and don't let it bring you down. :)

I just hope you didn't shake it off as the blood could've gone flying everywhere..

Don't worry OP. It happens to the best of us.

Sounds like you had a run in with Murphy's Law! :P

juan3611 14

That picture with this comment.