By SmittyJA24 - 20/05/2014 02:38 - United States - Lewiston

Today, my idiot sister had to have her aged dog put down, then she posts on MY Facebook page, "RIP, Buddy, we'll miss you." My adult children and most of my friends thought I died. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 844
You deserved it 4 753

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tacopandaroo 12

I'm sure that misunderstanding could be cleared up fairly easily. Sorry to hear her dog had to be put down though. That's never easy. :(

Well, at least now you know who would miss you...


#1 I don't think it's funny I agree with OP about her sister being stupid I would probably flip out to if that had been my mom.

At first it wouldn't be funny, but after their told that nobody died then its funny. It's like a prank, first you're like FU then you look back on it and laugh.

If I was OP I would have called the people who thought I was dead in the middle of the night and creep them out!

thatg1ng3r 13

I don't know why this guy is getting downvoted. Maybe I'm just dark, but I cracked up when I read this. It's hilarious that they thought she was referring to OP when she said, "RIP, Buddy..." since the dog's name could be interpreted in two ways!

Sorry for your sister's loss, though!

nlm92 15

I agree, maybe he could glean a sick day out if it haha

tacopandaroo 12

I'm sure that misunderstanding could be cleared up fairly easily. Sorry to hear her dog had to be put down though. That's never easy. :(

May the dog R.I.P. And the little misunderstanding fixed :3

Well, at least now you know who would miss you...

I always wonder how would ppl react after I die! OP I know it's bad, but try to think of it positively! U got to see people's reaction to your death while still alive! :)

chromegirl666 7

Your kids and friends are the ones who come out sounding like idiots here. Lol

Unless OP's name/nickname is Buddy, i have to agree. Why would they assume that OP is the only one the sibling could say RIP in reference to?

I would say if someone put RIP in a clearly serious way on someone's wall on Facebook I would assume the person had died

Mornai 32

I would assume the children would be notified by means other than a Facebook post if she really had died... maybe the friends could believe it but the kids shouldn't have.

55 you would be surprised to see the way people get notified of anything. A lot of people don't have enough common sense to realized it's better to lean about it through people actually talking.

I have to agree with #60 here, I found out my aunt died over Facebook and so did a few other members of the family. People are inconsiderate of others sometimes and don't think before they update.

nlm92 15

Maybe not the friends but you'd think the family might know the name of the dog.

That could've turned into an awesomely sick practical joke where everyone gathers to mourn your loss and you walk in the room. But sorry about your sisters dog. That sucks.

alshygirl 14

A simple Facebook status will resolve the issue

'hey guys I'm not dead, my sisters an idiot' comment #1 ' YOU'RE A ZOMBIE????'

Nickb55 16

Take advantage of the situation! You now have a way to miss taxes!

Wow OP.. Calm down, it looks like a common mistake.

#9 a mistake yes a huge one but common I don't think so, yes it could be cleared up quickly however I understand why OP is upset I would be to, I can only imagine what I would feel like had it been my mother.

Mother? I don't see a gender symbol, but everyone assuming it was OP by the sister referencing "buddy", I would think the OP was a man.