Panic at the crosswalk

By Butterflyguy - 14/08/2009 17:10 - Canada

Today, I literally stopped traffic. I was crossing the street and a butterfly landed on me. Being phobic of butterflies, I had a panic attack in the middle of the road. Oh, and I am 17, captain of our football team, and in very good shape. My girlfriend laughed the hardest. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 338
You deserved it 23 648

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dramakat11 0

Well, sounds like you've got a good life so whatev. But I do know how horrible panic attacks are--they are Hell so I feel for you. But why would you be scared of butterflies? That's insensitive of your gf but I don't know if I'd be able to help laughing either...


What are they gonna do, flutter you to death?

lifeislife_fml 0

Moolaw, butterflies are going to flutter #1 to death?

haha yeah. wow. lol but you know, theres this saying that if a butterfly crosses your path, it means good luck :)

YDI for being scared of butterflies. Pussy.

I'm scared of butterflies too. 0_o its ok, OP :)

also if you've ever watched spongebob, theres an episode when the whole town are scared of a butterfly in a bubble; "wormy". Spongebob thought it was cute until he saw it close up :P

I thought football was a sport for REAL MEN.

nam3 0

another captain of the football team one?? geez think up being a captain for something else YDI

fmlfmlfml15 0

no #4 wanted his/her comment on top which is sad considering he is only number 4

Would totally understand had that been a cicada

stop reposting this mother ******* bullshit, there was already a 17 year old football captain, you fuckinf fake *****

yea because there's only one person in the world that can fit a 17 year old and a football captain. Now I'm not saying this is true, but you weren't there maybe it happened, maybe he is 17, just because you weren't there doesn't mean it did not happen. oh and you're stupid for reading this site just to call people fake... i think this shit is ridiculous. ha

Look guys, the point of a phobia is that it's an irrational fear. That means although it may be odd to fear whatever the subject matter is, in this case butterflies, it's still terrifying and not alot can be done about it. And OP, don't feel bad. Nicole Kidman is scared of them too (:

FreakOfNatureUK 0

No, American Football is a sport for pansies. It's a girly version of a real mans game called Rugby. No padding, no pretty little helmets. And FYI, it's not ******* football. Football, by its very definition is a game involving your foot and a ball. You know, what dumb yanks call soccer. Whilst some kicking is involved in American Football (from now on referred to as "girl rugby"), it is NOT football. Now, if this is genuine: OP: Don't sweat it. There are numerous people who have irrational fears. Once your g/f, mates and team-mates grow the **** up, they wont take the piss as much. Still kinda funny though!

What I thought was weirdedst was that he dramatically started with 'Today, I literally stopped traffic".

Darn it; why do my posts disappear?! Anyhow, here's a poem. Since early childhood I have been terrified of Butterflies and I even wrote a poem at the tender age of 10... Walking slowly down a lonely track, I felt something flutter on my back. I turned around to take a spy, and there it was...a butterfly! "Oh no" I gasped "Not him again" and off I ran on down the lane. The lane was narrow dark and dim, oops I tripped over a garbage bin. I ran so fast I could not see, that it was catching up to me! I ran into a large brick wall, and then of course I had a fall. In the end it went on by, Oh I hate those butterflies!!!

star_ver 0

Oh STFU #178. No one cares about your "HAHA DUMB YANKS IZ DUMB." comment.

I'm pretty sure this is BS... or a second happening of the same thing. I'm pretty sure I've read about a football captain with Butterfly phobia... maybe it was the same guy getting his life effed again? haha.

i clicked ydi as soon as i saw "being phobic of butterflies"

anonymous3000_fml 0

HAHAHA, hilarious poem! As for you OP, WHAT THE ****?? Butterflies?? But whatever, you can't control your phobias, at least not until you get counseling. Of course maybe now you will consider therapy after this ridiculous scenario (if it is in fact a true story).

StingMunFizzy 0


paul2k9 0

yea loser for sure. and wat does being in good shape have to do with anything. pretty random

a phobia is an irrational fear so he isn't afraid of what the butterfly would do but rather something about it simply frightens him most likely because of a past experience

Its Canadian football, and since when are we yanks?

wowthatshorrible_fml 0

agreed he can't help it if he's afraid of butterflies

terranada 3

hey man never trust a butterfly!! they can be pretty dangerous!

Miq94 0
Sandfeather 2

I'm pretty sure i've read a similar one too lol

maybe #87 likes certain sticks up his ass if ya know what i mean.

greendaygirl999 5

Today, I was stuck at a stoplight because some guy freaked out when a butterfly landed on him. FML.

dramakat11 0

Well, sounds like you've got a good life so whatev. But I do know how horrible panic attacks are--they are Hell so I feel for you. But why would you be scared of butterflies? That's insensitive of your gf but I don't know if I'd be able to help laughing either...

Not that I'm afraid of them, but if you've seen a butterfly up close, they're gigantic and rather creepy. I mean, put it this way: if they didn't have the 'pretty' wings, and they just had clear wings, people would scream left and right (come to think of it, if they had clear wings, they'd be dragonflies, lol). But yeah, I saw a swarm of butterflies seething around some old bananas I'd tossed out in the garden (for composting) and it was disturbing seeing all of them walking around on the food. Trust me, up close they are not pretty. Incidentally, I have no problem with little spiders, I think they're rather cute. But yes, larger spiders do slightly trigger my defensive instinct, because I assume they may bite; but in general, I just simply get a jar and let them outside. I only kill the ones that seem aggressive. Now, I'm not going to make believe that I'm not a wuss; on the contrary, I have a fear of hornets. Those I shoot down with BB guns when they come into the house.

maybe a scarring memory involved butterflies?

YDI for being a pussy that is scared of butterflies.

Srsly. You're scared of /butterflies/? What the hell is wrong with you? Someone should slap some sense into you.

Are you serious? It's a PHOBIA, which means it's an irrational fear and he can't control it! And you are being an insensitive idiot, not only for saying the OP deserved it, but also using 'pussy' as an insult. Seriously, a ****** is not a swear word. It's a f*cking body part.

PoisonParadise 0

And "*******" take a ******* beating, they are stronger than your testicles and Penis, do if you think about it you're actually referring to him as being "strong". So your argument is invalid and shut the absolute **** up you inconsiderate bunch of assholes.

ziqi92 0

butterfly phobia? whats so scary about butterflies? i'm a guy too but i think they're pretty when u put all other insects into perspective...

They have antennae and too many legs like any other insect, plus they flutter around in a way which I find very creepy. And then they settle on things, and they twitch...

Some of us have weird phobias. I'm incredibly terrified of gastropods even though I know they are harmless.

Phobias are irrational. There is no logical reason for them. Logic is also extremely useless in quelling the fear that comes with them.

there are plenty of people with weird, unexplainable phobias. I am terrified of ketchup. I have no idea why. When I was little, my brother would chase me around the house with ketchup bottles. People always thought I was being ridiculous. then, one time, in the seventh grade, I went with a friend and her family to a beach house in florida. her two older brothers found out about my fear. they thought I was kidding. they chased me around the house for a half hour with a ketchup bottle, and then finally they got some on my arm. I threw up, and I was hysterically crying. I had a panic attack. I had to scrub my arm until it was bleeding. I swear, the smell of that stuff makes me nauseous. I have no idea what is scary about that stuff, but it's just something that I have a fear of. It sounds ridiculous, but it's not that the person is crazy, but it's just an unexplainable irrational fear. that's why they are called phobias.

wow whoever said there was a theme of the week was right.

CDS09 0

this is the second person on here afraid of butterflies...what is it about them?

butterflies? yeah don't worry they're ready to take over the world..not.

Why do I feel like I've read this before. OP: at least it wasn't a moth = ugly butterfly.