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By gbhlaughingstock - 18/08/2009 19:20 - United States

Today, I was at my school's spaghetti dinner with my family. My brother shook up my mom's soda, as a prank. My entire class witnessed my mom waving around an overflowing Diet Coke while my dad yelled, "Come on, put your mouth on it! Suck it! Suck it, Kathy!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 128 248
You deserved it 9 751

Same thing different taste


tpag3r 0

DAD WIN! you should consider yourself lucky your parents arent embarrassing in a worse way

You were at a school dinner.... ... in august?

Why is having a school dinner in August weird? My school started 2 weeks ago. In the south, school starts way earlier.

Yeah, I'm in Chesapeake, Virginia. Haha the only reason why I don't mind saying it on the Internet is because there are freaking millions of people in this city... xD

NGM_47 0

"in the south, school starts way earlier." No, it doesn't! We haven't started yet =P

What is all this family dinner at school business? I'm from Britain and we have nothing like it!

I'm in America and don't know what that is

mags421 0

Having a school dinner is like a fundraiser to get money for the school! We had them all the time!!

I don't think we do in Canada either.. not that I've heard of

Suaria 38

Well I think it depends on the school. My high school for the last two years has started on the 15th of August. Of course I don't even live in the south, but North West of America in the Bay Area.

DevilDoodle 0

HAHAHA! Your dad shouldn't known better... but that's FUNNY AS ****.

something41 0

HOLY SHIT How is shit holy? JESUS CHRIST What does Jesus have to do with this? **** you Why do you want to do me? They are just phrases that in our society of our time Funny as **** is understood as really funny. btw urban dictionary ftw.

ahaha you're my hero. i hate smartass's like that

Many ppl have asked me are u gay for saying **** you and i say i'm using it as a ******* insult but they're just being smart asses

did u really have to get literal on the comment? jeez. just an expression.

777_alex_777 0

AHAHAHA u just made my day! thx 4 pointing that out =)

That's what she said bwahhahahaha! @#1: GTFO pedophile.

I have no idea what she's talking about

notlovingit 0

im sorry i died laughing ur dad should know better ;)

DeathByFalchion 0

Hahahahahahahaha...more like **** HER life.

Sun_Kissed18 25

Hahhahaha ooh lighten up :) its funny!