By Lonely - 12/09/2009 11:53 - Australia

Today, I found out that despite having attended every university party held over the last two years, the only physical contact I have had with a member of the opposite sex is when the security guard stamps my hand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 581
You deserved it 8 408

Same thing different taste

Top comments

physical contact with the opposite sex is overrated


physical contact with the opposite sex is overrated

*gasp* Wash your mouth out! Blasphemy! or is that a typo and should read "physical contact with the opposite sex is x-rated"? Sorry OP that's a definite FYL

maxv_15 0

that is why you don't spend every day partying, and you spend some time at the gym/the beach. why go to parties if you have nothing to offer

I wonder if that is a comment on you or the guys you go out with. I'd said physical contact with the opposite sex is almost as good as food. Actually, some really good physical contact is better than a lot of kinds of food.

I found out why it's because you are to freaking nerdy for anyoneto pay attention

yes yes but truth is he HASN'T lived. hopefully by now he has

KnotSlipKnoTSiC 0
M13LO 0

well there's one way to get pussy... buy a cat sorry if I'm double posting fml isn't showing my comment

Chaith 16

Even when there aren't any mention of cats OR pussy, this joke claws its way in. So bad.

two years and no physical contact?! in UNIVERSITY???? wtf have you been doing that whole time? YDI for not trying?

He's having mental contact instead's a party u dance with the opposite sex. wat kind of ****** party r u going to

all men. So OP, go out and buy some lipstick and put it on the edge of your thumb and first finger and make a hand puppet. alright, alright.