By Tourist - 26/03/2009 07:19 - United States
Top comments
damn, you're an asshole love you long time! XD
lol that is funny
chicken frie rice????
whoo! 15th fyl!!!!
everybody was kungfu fighting!!!! pic-cha
fag... pretty sure they have 13 hours of school a day
I luv u
You racist bitch! Don't you know Asians can learn English?! DAMN! Appearently, you are NOT A ******* DIPLOMAT IF YOU ARE RACIST!!!!! Diplomat my ass!
Ha that's good ole racism for you but If I where Asian and you did that to me I would kick your ass then call you a fag in Asian.
maybe u should have been smart and said it in plain english first dumbass. then if they didnt get it ask them like u did. YDI
that sucks, totally agree with 558
there are a lot of tour buses, though, in OP's defense.
no ahoulda played it off by saying "I'm luv u long time?" lol
happy Dino your a ******* idiot god I laugh at your stupid as shit idiocy.
racist bastard.
I'm surprised by how many (caucasians) think that it is stereotypical that Asians can't speak english. Almost all asians nowadays that have a proper education (when i mean proper i mean normal schools, not the rundown classrooms built in third world countries) know a least a little english. most will be able to understand it but not be able to speak it too well. BTW, I'm talking about people under 30.
Congrats on being racist too, dude.
I agree with #558, you should pretended that you were the one who didn't know English. Lol. OP, it was a kind gesture, but you should have made sure they didn't know how to speak the language before acting like a retard. Quite a lot of Asian people live in America and know how to speak English, so don't assume things like that! FYL and YDI at the same time, though.
@575, **** you. You say Americans are looked down at why? Because we're all racists like this asshole and we all generalize other cultures? No, we're not all like that and you are no better than this asshole for assuming we all are.
I can't think of a fag word in mandarin lol
Haha, "And people why Americans are looked down at." Sounds like you really can't speak English. It also sounds like those Asians speak better English than half of the people that commented on this FML. I'm hoping you meant to say that WONDER why Americans are looked down upon. In that case, you are steriotyping Americans by saying that we steriotype other people. Oh, the sweet, sweet irony.
Haha That's great!
ok every1, yes his actions may be racist, but that probably isn't on purpose, however, it does show a typical misunderstanding of foreign cultures. I myself am English but I have a keen interest in oriental and asian culture (yes i know the orient is in Asia but is very different to most of Asia) and many of said cultures learn English as a language in schools almost as much as they learn their native language. Thank you.
^ response to #613
混蛋 머저리 野郎 asshole hậu môm
u said it
@752 Because he did it in a way that patronized the asians he was talking to. He could have just said: "Do you need help with that?" instead of saying "Do... you.... want... take picture," which seems like he's making fun of them for being too dumb to speak English. Honestly, this isn't THIS guy's FML. I would like to see an FML from the other guy's POV, saying "Today, I met a stupid redneck who assumed I was a retard who couldn't speak English just because I'm Asian-American."
I don't understand all the trash talking on Americans, so 1 guy is a complete idiot so that means all Americans are idiots? Oh almost forgot we're also all cowboys as well...or portrayed as redneck. If I hear or see a britsh guy or girl acting like a tard I don't go and say "Wow, Brits are retarded" or for any nationality for that matter. I have no ill-will towards countries or their respective people's. Nationality doesn't effect the way a person is except for maybe differentiating nationalism/patriotism etc. Anyways rant over, but to OP that was a complete dick move no matter how you slice it. Sure you were trying to be helpful, but think before you speak next time please, thank you.
congratulations, you're stupid.
141 people say FYL. Congratulations for holding the lowest FYL count I've ever seen on an FML post.
**** I hate asians
What is anti flood?
ops a racist asshole
they probably krpt getting a pop up on the camera... "did someone blink?"
you're a dick
I live in San Fran and all the asains here don't speak English so I don't blame him.
ya jack ass just asum they dont know english real smart

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Show it anywayyou should, that really retarded thinking.
agreed depending in where he is from there can be slot if Asian tourists like here in Vancouver for example not many Asians speak good English
Despite your use of big words, your comment is retarded. Nice try.
I can understand him thinking they don't speak english...that's not a horrible assumption. I'm bothered by the fact that he thinks speaking slow, loud, broken english would be more helpful to them than just saying it normally.
..... you know if you wanted to be a diplomat you could have just asked normally instead of being a douche acting like they didn't know english and treating them like retards...... Isn't it a rule of thumb to ask in good english (shove off grammar police) first and then in broken english if they show that they don't understand?
agreed. thats what i do
yeah im asian and thats kind of offensive
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Show it anywaywow, this was your fault for assuming things. you know there is an old saying and it says you know what to a assume does, maybe you should learn it sometime
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Show it anywayComment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayWow, you're that jackass... It's coastal California, the population is like half Asian, how could you be so dumb?

damn, you're an asshole love you long time! XD
congratulations, you're stupid.