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Good intentions, but…

By miseventshappen - 09/11/2009 05:49 - United States

Today, I was at the mall, I saw a girl crying that her ice cream had fallen on the floor. Feeling generous, I bought her a new one. She threw it on the ground, laughed, and came over to her mom and told that I was bothering her, so the mom called security. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 676
You deserved it 5 011

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why did her mom just leave her there. Was it all part of her elaborate con to get people thrown out of the mall?

That'll teach you. You should have bought the ice cream, walked up next to her, taken a big lick and thrown it on the floor and said "you can't have that one either bitch".


Why did her mom just leave her there. Was it all part of her elaborate con to get people thrown out of the mall?

YDI for not just laughing at the kid and walking away. It's always fun to laugh at a childs misfortune.

+1 to #75. Also, if you're a guy, the mom probably thought you were a pedophile. Reading this FML, I'm inclined to agree with her. YDI

I hate how guys cant be nice to kids anymore. Like I give a kid money and his mom stares at me.

^90 Ikr? so damn gay. anything we do either makes girls think we are assholes, pedophile, or creepers. ****

woot!! yeah hi 5 for little spoiled bitches!!

Bekeliyr 10

Kids are egocentric. Every child was like that at some point.

TJStarzZ 8

Dude, she was a bitch. When a kid does that in my family, it shows utter disrespect ,and they get their asses BEATEN. I feel bad for you, mainly cause the mom is sittin her stupid ass on the side and watching this happen. Some people don't deserve kids, FYL and F that Kid's life.

no beatings in this society. a simple yank of a hair or flick on the wrist or even getting yelled at has little white kids calling the child abuse hotline. I never see this happen with black, brown, or Asian kids. only white kids. funny, innit?

96, I agree with you on that one, American, and Canadian kids have less physical "lessons" than other nationalities. My parents are Polish, and when I was a little kid, physical abuse came whenever I did bad shit, along with every other Polish parents doing this, the kids were always well behaved.

I'm canadian, and when I was younger my parents will discipline me physically if I'm bad

"I threw it on the ground...." You can't buy me, ice cream man!

Flutist 3

"This fat girl comes up and buys me ice cream. I was going to take it when I realized that I did not want to grow up to be a fatty. SO I threw it on the ground. She gets down on her knees and licks it off the floor. I called security."

the_stereotype 0

aww. you beat me to it. so i threw you to the ground!

Flutist 3

Cannibalism is not cool Op, don't fatten children up so you can take them back to your candy house and eat them.

but they taste so delicious... I mean... I've said to much, I'll have to eat you now...

savagearmz 6


baby_gurl2405 0

maybe the lesson here is that buying young kids ice cream that you dont know is slightly disturbing to their parents who are always over protective at that stage of life

teach09 0

Who buys a kid that they don't know a new ice cream????

A nice person? Seriously, seeing a kid cry over dropped ice cream always makes me really sad. It's right up there with the balloon floating away at a carnival thing.

yeah, I would never buy a kid I didn't know something. I love kids but there are so many freaks out there I know if I was a parent and a stranger got my child ice cream, I doubt I would let them eat it. i get he was trying to be nice, but there are some things you just don't do.

She didn't accept candy from a stranger... that's a good thing. But her mum shouldn't have just left her there crying.

Well if he had pulled the ice cream from his pocket, maybe she should be suspicious but what could he have done with it when it came straight from the ice cream shop? The girl was just a bitch.