Doubling down

By omgitserika - 18/11/2009 15:09 - United States

Today, I thought my online boyfriend was calling me, so the first line I said was "Hey, Baby." His wife answered with, "This is Jenny. Who's this?" After speaking for thirty minutes, I found out he's married, fifty-eight, and has two kids. I'm seventeen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 184
You deserved it 71 243

Same thing different taste

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"online boyfriend". those were the only two words i paid attention to and just clicked YDI.

Haven't you seen any of these Dateline things? Online boyfriend, really? What did you expect?


deaditegirl 0

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You soo deserve it, you ignorant bi-ya-tch

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americayay 0

Leave the house. Meet people in person. Date. In that order.

Haven't you seen any of these Dateline things? Online boyfriend, really? What did you expect?

LOL Was gonna start singing that famous song by Loverboy "PIG AND ELEPHANT DNA JUST WON'T SPLICE!"

"online boyfriend". those were the only two words i paid attention to and just clicked YDI.

Go out and meet someone much more safer and shouldn't you meet him before you call him your BF

kewl92 0

whoa... online bf... you should at least really get to know the person and make sure he is what he says he is before calling him your "boyfriend".. YDI

Tell him that you're working with Dateline NBC and Chris Hansen and plan to have him arrested. That'd be funny.

ParaplegicPony 0

YES! DO THIS! That would be freaking sweet.

Hey, at least you found out before you met him somewhere.

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Was his name Robbie? Seriously, I talked to a guy named Robbie who claimed he was like 17 a few years ago, and I knew he wasn't. And I finally found out he's about 58 and has kids.