By an idiot - 16/02/2013 18:03 - Australia

Today, my brother was arrested for starting a fistfight at a funeral. He didn't even know the deceased; he's just been crashing funerals recently, hoping to hook up with mourners. I'm not sure who's more pathetic: him for doing such a thing, or me for bailing his fucking dumb arse out of jail. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 018
You deserved it 7 833

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I wouldn't even bother with his bail. I'd go for a visit, but I wouldn't bail my own brother out of jail for something especially like that.

untouchable763 10

Wedding Crashing has become more extreme these days eh.


I wouldn't even bother with his bail. I'd go for a visit, but I wouldn't bail my own brother out of jail for something especially like that.

oj101 33

#1 - Isaiah 55:6-7 “Seek the LORD while he may be found; call upon him while he is near; let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the LORD, that he may have compassion on him, and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. Lol, just kidding. His dumb ass should stay right there in jail, where it belongs. He's sure to find a sexual partner easily.

FinJage 18

Exactly, every time OP bails him out, he is just encouraged to do it again.

OP probably eats the bail money too.

untouchable763 10

Wedding Crashing has become more extreme these days eh.

#40 you haven't seen the end of Wedding Crashers have you?

oj101 33

I actually had no idea that people even did these things in real life. Minus 200 points for faith in humanity. Which means we still are at negative infinity.

oj101 33

#57 - By the looks of things, your gaping hole of a mouth. Ribbet.

41- Only seen parts of it, still gotta get around to watching the whole movie.

I totally forgot about that movie... Hahaha

upsidedownfrownn 5

That pizza looks delicious... Mmmm

BubbleGrunge 18

What kinda cum guzzel crashes a funeral?

CheeseTron 15

12 It's Westboro Baptist.. And they're worse than cum guzzlers..

With sperm guzzlers, they'll actually make you feel relieved after you've left them. Those people in Westboro on the other hand are a blight to Christianity and the entire human race. When the KKK hates you and you, too, are white, there's something definitely wrong. No, I'm not talking about interracial couples, either.

I think people who take advantage of others during a time of bereavement are despicable. The fact that you bailed your asscandle of a brother out is a YDI. I hope your brother matures and realizes, that his behaviour is completely inappropriate. Next time don't bail him out, let him learn the consequences of his actions.

chellytiger 12

Asscandle? Really bro?! Really!

97- Your photo is essentially nothing but your **** and you think the word asscandle is an issue?

I would leave his ass in jail for being a prick.

He sounds like a tool.. Ruin his chances if he ever brings home any girls from said funerals by trashing his reputation.

BellaBelle_fml 23

I'm pretty sure that OP's brother does not need any help in trashing his reputation as he is doing a fine job of it himself.

I would make him apologize to the mourners and make him pay you back the bail money.

I get that he's you're brother but he needs to take responsibility for what he did you should of just left him in there to think about what he did to put himself in there in their first place.