By No money, mo' problems - 18/06/2013 22:01 - United States

Today, I witnessed an elderly lady getting mugged. I ran over to the guy mugging her and offered him the money in my wallet in return for him leaving her alone. The old lady snatched my money and ran away with the mugger. What the hell just happened? FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 200
You deserved it 9 667

Same thing different taste

Top comments

graceinsheepwear 33

Sounds like you've been scammed.

Have you not learnt by reading FML the elderly are not to be trusted. :$


graceinsheepwear 33

Sounds like you've been scammed.

etoilenuit 15

Maybe while op was distracted helping the old lady the mugger was going to stealthily steal from him? Weird

I don't know about the rest of you, but I think that is the most ingenious, brilliant, and most heartless scam plan in the world. Touché old lady, touché...

#63 So sad, but so true... My first thought was "GENIUS!!" but then I realized how cruel it was. FYL op.

Sounds like granny picked up a few moves from the real hustle!

if she is a Granny. then she probably invented the hustle.

Yet another "speak my mind moment" why would you offer him your money, that's putting yourself in a dangerous situation. If you wanted to help her out run over and beat him up, if you can't or don't feel safe phone the police and if that takes too long then figure something out, there's being brave and then there's being courteous and then there's you. What made you think he wouldn't have felt like a two for one and take your money and hers

Beating up a mugger is NEVER EVER the right choice. There wasn't much else op could've done. You should call the cops, but they would arrive much too late to help. Op could either leave the situation alone, or handle it like they did.

MichaelT17 9

WTF is it with old ladies nowadays

#93, I totally agree with you, should've punched time in the guts instead

Spottedfeather 7

So....just leave the mugger alone ? I hope this happens to you someday, coward.

beachbum561fla 14

Have you not learnt by reading FML the elderly are not to be trusted. :$

It's as If all elderly people have meetings on when to strike lol.

Regardless, I think that OP not only trying to help but offering his own money in return for the lady's safety is one of the sweetest things I've heard in a while. We all saw the FML about the mans umbrella being stolen and talked about how no one has manners anymore, but OP apparently does. So, OP, if you're reading this, please don't stop being kind to others just because of this incident. The world needs more people like you.

Soniye 14

7- What if all the elderly people are on FML and just waiting to target their next victim !? Well now I know I can't trust the elderly lol

flashback.miss 28

Oh, OP, haven't you learned from all the other stories about evil old lady scammers on this site? But, thank you for being a good Samaritan. and hopefully you get justice.

@ireply your picture has always scared me

Quite right. If you're out of ideas at least find a decent cleavage pic, that seems to be pretty standard around here. But this leech has got to go. You're putting me off my lucky charms.

You have been punked! On a serious note, hope you filed a police report so they can look out for them.

You just got mugged by a sneaky old lady and her partner in crime, sir.

I can honestly say that I wouldn't have seen that coming. Definitely sneaky.

beneathitallxx 15

FYL, they set you up. the elderly lady was the mugger.

I can't wait till i get old and diabolical

Doing good can turn out so wrong, these days....

goodoldave 17

No good deed goes unpunished.

FYL, it really sucks when good people get taken advantage of. You should feel good about yourself for being so brave, though! Not many people would be able to do that! I'm sure in the future your kindness will pay off in some way :)