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Lonely boy

By unloved - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, it's my birthday, and the only person that called me was my boss. He wants me to cover his shift tonight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 104
You deserved it 3 136

Top comments

lovestrong 0

Awh that sucks, Happy Birthday tho :)

perdix 29

If nobody cares about you, you might as well work and make some money. With what you urned, um, I mean, earned, you can buy a person to care about you for a while. The rates vary based on the attractiveness of this employee and how you want them to show how they care for you.


Op you get to be the boss on your birthday! sounds fun to me! Gdmfposgalfcsafp!

the_flirtt 0
pwincessa23 1

it's Aldo my sisters n bfs dads birthday.

sugarr0babby0 0

HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!! There, now your boss aintt the only one ! :)

KiddNYC1O 20

Op- Buy another one you rich ************. =]

Seriously 134? every one knows boobs are ( . Y . ) not ( . )( . ) duhh!

It kind of sounds like a suprise party, or maybe your boss is just a dick. Either way, OP, don't give him any birthday cake.

FYLwindowlicker 0

Really #138 they both look quite nice to me! Your first ones look natural whilst the second look fake ;)

Hey it's my birthday too! Happy Bday to you Op!


Just tell your boss to **** off. Then drink some beers, and don't wind up in a field with out your pants. Happy Birthday OP! I'm hungry.

well thats a sign youre lonely and have no friends.

stephanie0613 0

what about your mum, dad, brother, sister, aunty, uncle, cusins, work mates, friends, anyone that could give you a call? sorry to hear that op at least people on fml say happy birthday=), HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!=)

Rawrzie 0

well no one knows cares if it's your birthday. you might as well go.

lovestrong 0

Awh that sucks, Happy Birthday tho :)

I'm sure that it's not his birthday anymore.

sam_08_fml 0

Well it kinda does say "Today" lol well happy birthday OP hope you declined to go in?

the_flirtt 0

ya I'm pretty sure it is op's birthday.

No what you guys don't understand is that FMLs aren't added the same day that they're submitted.

Chimps, then why do they have holiday fmls on the holidays?

I posted this today. And it was up within the hour...

sdman923 0

Birthdays aren't a big deal anyways. I don't see why everyone makes such a huge fuss about them...

it's a way of celebrating another year closer to death :D

It is a celebration of one's existence and the fact that they are here/ were born. It is a time where people can say how happy they are that you were born and that the day you were born is a day to be happy, hence happy birthday. So it would definitely suck since birthdays do mean quite a lot.

ohthebloodygore 16

68, true BUT most people hear birthday and think 'gifts', 'cake' and 'party'. Sadly, I believe birthdays are stupid. Everyone gets so happy because their birthday is coming up but then disappointed because it isn't the happiest day in the world. You're another year older, so is someone else. Get over it.

KiddNYC1O 20

wow, Precious. I feel the same way, no joke. I thought I was the only one lol

FFML_314 11

I enjoy celebrating my birthday, because not only do you get to receive gifts and spend time with family (because people do actually care about that stuff) but I know that it is one of the happiest days of my parents lives and also mine, because it's the day I was born. I know a lot of people hate birthdays, but I think saying that "getting excited about your birthday is stupid" is a bit harsh. I've been through too much to not be happy that I made it through another year. :D

FFML_314 11

I try. I'm not always a bitch.

FFML_314 11

I like the "lol" at the end. :P

ohthebloodygore 16

Aria, exactly why I said most people. :P Not all.

FFML_314 11

I know, Precious. I was just trying to explain why /I/ like my birthday. :D

ohthebloodygore 16

I know, Aria. Now let me explain why /I/ dislike birthdays. My family would fight, I'd get yelled at or they'd remember my brother's birthday but not mine. Which is sad, we're twins. :P


Shot in the dark, but I'll guess 68, and OP both come from broken homes. That is, parents split up. Broken home kids tend to be the only ones who make a big deal about their own birthday

hey it's mine too I will drink for you don't worry.

Anti666 17

Holy shit it's my birthday today too. oh yeah and happy birthday OP.

pachecogirl 0

awe, poor you! /: happpy b-day(:

mollieOdare 0

It's people like you that make others believe everyone from Texas is a cowboy. You're from San Antonio? That even more unacceptable. Tsk, tsk.

mollieOdare 0

How am I lying to the world? I'm saying that her profile discription is just plain dumb. Oh and by the way I am a Texan as well. And I find it sad that so many people from other states believe everyone down here is a cowboy. I always wonder where they get this stupid crap, but now it all makes sense. Perhaps you took my original comment a different way then I meant it. Forgive me(:

Autoshot 9

Hah, sucks to be you. Jk... Happy Birthday OP

FFML_314 11