By Noname - 26/02/2009 15:30 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 14/12/2009 19:36 - United States
By Tejanoswhy - 18/12/2015 18:16
By tiptoesjohnson - 19/01/2012 23:26
Nice try
By rutho - 27/03/2009 04:39 - United States
By Rachel - 23/10/2014 04:04 - United States - Waynesburg
By me - 14/04/2016 17:33 - United States - Katy
By Anonymous - 18/09/2009 21:31 - United States
By mathgenius - 08/10/2013 19:17 - Norway - Kolltveit
By Anonymous - 24/05/2012 04:59 - United States - Humble
By Mrs. Teacher - 18/09/2012 00:21 - United States - Suwanee
Top comments
Jerk! ;] Poor kid..
what a heartless ************.. poor kid...
ur another douchey sub/teacher. I understand u can't pass notes during tests, but don't rip it up before reading it. the fact you are trying to get sympathy Jere is disguisting
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Show it anywayOP u sick **** I bet he told his mom! xS
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Show it anyway#641, maybe he was on a really hard question and about to give up or something like that
you crushed his dreams
this is like another fml but from the kids point of view. but his note said different..
it an asshole
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Show it anywayhuge douche much!? why do something like that!? dont tear the damn test up first! read the note. so crude. I bet you're a mean ass teacher too! >:l!
relax :/
would it have been so hard to read the note?
seriously? could you have not read the note first? jerk.
That's very petty
Kids point of view... Today I was taking a really important test for History. I usually don't do well on tests so my mom gave me a nice note to help me saying I believe in you -Mom. I was on a really hard question so I got out the note to help me when some ass comes out of nowhere and rips the test in four pieces. Now i'm depressed. FML
he was trying to stay motivated!
it's still classed as cheating even if he was holding a blank piece of paper. but still poor kid
i doubt that will happen
648- Do you live under a bridge?
ur a dick were u really that excited that u had to run nd then rip it up out of excitement if I was a teacher I would've just said screw nd probably let him cheat not been so excited to find a kid cheating that I have a heart attack
You should give him a make up test for being an asshole
poor kid you asswipe
664- Obviously this person wasn't trying to make themselves feel better. He/she made a mistake and posted it on FML because they feel bad.
How is it considered cheating, if there is no information pertaining to the test? You're an idiot.
He was probably stuck on a hard question and needed reassurance dumbass
641- he's probably stuck on a hard question and needed reassurance dumbass
******* heartless paranoid ass.
Maybe he got stuck and wanted some encouragement?
If he was having trouble on a part of the test, was stressed out about the whole thing in general and was looking at the note to get a boost of confidence to make it through
What a nice person you must be… -.-
Thats .. A bit to much
Lol I like how you have a hello kitty as your profile and you said this. No offense I just find it funny.
@703 You should never tell someone to kill themselves. You never know, they just might.
He was clenching it in his hand so it helps. I've done it before
#1174981 - Wednesday 28 December 2016 08:55 WTF. That's why you take the note then the test, not the other way around dumb-ass. Poor kid. Probably was doing good on the test, until you ripped it up. So YOU DESERVE IT dumb ****. Are you stupid or something. You don't bring out any things during a test. Even though it didn't turn out to be cheating, it could've been. So think next time idiot.
Any thing other than what the exam allows out is wrong and therefore classified as cheating.
Shouldn't have been so quick to rip that up...
look at the note first next time.
You are that teacher nobody likes.
Maybe they should of read the note before ripping up the test...
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Show it anywayif that bitch did that to me, I would have cussed her out in front of the entire class and made her loom like the dumbass she is
Damn. Poor kid, indeed.
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Show it anyway#8, a note from mom probably wont have the answers on it "dear timmy, i believe in you. also, hitler annexed the sudetenland. --love mom"
This must be the funniest thing i have read in a while, simply because i had my ap euro test and i missed the question about that.
I have to agree with 3! (And not just for rhyming purposes) I hope you've gained something from this. :(
Well now you know what can happen. Maybe they [your university] ought to make it a standard to start with the note, THEN move on to the test if the student was in fact cheating. You have no way of knowing all the possibilities if nobody tells you. Besides, it was only four ways; he can easily copy what he had to a new sheet. Award him or her some extra time at the end to compensate (assuming it happens again) and move on.
i think ripping the test was a bit too much. you're lucky that wasn't me taking the test. with my connections, i would have had you fired.
i lol'd. you're such an e-thug.

Jerk! ;] Poor kid..
Shouldn't have been so quick to rip that up...