What a ******* liar, dude! What a *******, weaselly, little liar, dude!

By nohablaespanol - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Sanger

Today, I had an interview for a job I really wanted. On my resumé, I wrote that I speak conversational Spanish, although I don't. When I arrived for the interview, my interviewer decided to conduct it in Spanish. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 657
You deserved it 95 961

Top comments

SharnaaaBanana 22

YDI. Why would you risk that?

Great thinking OP. Did it ever occur to you that you might one day have to demonstrate the skills you put on a resume? You most definitely deserve it.


SharnaaaBanana 22

YDI. Why would you risk that?

Con los terroristas! Do the Haarlem Shake.

You so totally deserve that! You can't lie about shit like that!

bamagrl410 31

Not that I condone lying on your resume, but IF you're going to at least make it something you don't get caught in so easily. A good portion of the people in this country speak Spanish. To top it off, you're in Texas (as am I). More of my retail customers speak to me in Spanish than anything else. YDI because this was an obvious and stupid mistake.

stephhrunsaway 21

Why Spanish? That's a widely spoken language. If you wanted to lie so bad, you should have chosen a lesser known language like Finnish or Elvish or something.

If someone said they spoke Elvish, I would DEFINITELY test them to see if they were telling the truth. I would definitely wanna hear someone speak Elvish.

Yeah, it's a high risk, especially if OP doesn't speak Spanish whatsoever. Perhaps putting on there that you speak a little bit won't be so bad if you can understand a few important phrases.

Jesus, why lie? You never know the circumstance! I hope this is a lesson learnt.

You know Jesus? I actually just spoke to Jesus recently. He spoke back to me and said "It's going to be $10 for the front yard or $15 for the front and back." But ill be sure to ask him why OP lied for you next time I see him.

Aw cmon guys you don't know if I actually have a gardener named Jesus or not. I live in California! D:

wlddog 14

Yeah, 49 did make me smile with that one. 3, some people just never learn. They get away with a lie once, and think they should start pulling it off more often. If you are gonna lie about a language, make it something they cant track. Like "South American jungle tribe Takto" If they know that language, you just need to stand up and leave.

DasHaas 9

And that's what happens when you lie to get places. It catches up with you.

Great thinking OP. Did it ever occur to you that you might one day have to demonstrate the skills you put on a resume? You most definitely deserve it.

Demonstrating it like when making their user name... No habla espanol = no speak Spanish No hablo espanol = I don't speak Spanish

Kallian_fml 21

Your stupidity astounds me, OP.

Grauncho 27

And you wonder why you're still unemployed, you weiner.

catherinek 9

Why would you lie about something that could so obviously be proven to be false? Why would you think this is an fml at all?! Most deserved YDI yet