By BarBacked - 15/04/2013 07:31 - United States

Today, I went to the doctor to inquire about the nasty rash on my arms. He concluded that I'm allergic to beer and the rash will go away if I stay away from it. I'm a bartender. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 597
You deserved it 4 093

Same thing different taste

Top comments

stevenJB 25

Wear long sleeves? Maybe you can ask for another position in the place you work? I'm sure your boss will understand. c:

Allergic to beer? No. You can be allergic to something in beer, but not beer itself. That's like saying you're allergic to tuna salad.


stevenJB 25

Wear long sleeves? Maybe you can ask for another position in the place you work? I'm sure your boss will understand. c:

Long sleeves wouldn't work, if you get beer on them it'll just soak through to the skin anyway, except this time it'd be constantly pressed against the skin.

Looks like you'll have to pour with perfection from now on, good luck OP

Damian95 16

It will improve your ability to make and pour drinks. Definitely beneficial. :D

nishantvas 13

seems like its no spilling from now on... atleast this'll improve your skills..

Sir_ND_Pity 35

I seems you won't be able to get back to wort!

euphoricness 28

Because finding a new job is soooo easy...

I never said it was, I'm simply saying he should start looking for one

euphoricness 28

You're right, but it is still kind of hard to find a job you would enjoy attending to. Hopefully OP hates being a bartender now

Wizardo 33

Wear gloves OP, become one of those super fancy bartenders and make shaken not stirred Martinis :D

K410 18

I never thought that was even possible! :o fyl

Come on doc, way tequila mood and a career!

Allergic to beer? No. You can be allergic to something in beer, but not beer itself. That's like saying you're allergic to tuna salad.

death943 10

DocBastard knows what is right. He has a degree in FMLogy

perdix 29

#9, I'm guess it's the hops, which is why the OP should also avoid bunnies and frogs.

etoilenuit 15

Unless its something that is always in beer. Then you would be allergic to "beer" Technically you can be allergic to tuna salad if you are allergic to tuna.

Isn't Barley in Beer? Maybe OP is allergic to that.

captainObviously 15

Docbastard has a degree in dickology

#43 Don't insult our precious! jk. But in all seriousness: allergic to what's in your beer? At least there are other yourself and watch your friends do stupid shit

perdix 29

You should just stick to the hard stuff and you'll be OK. Nowhere does it say that a bartender has to drink beer. If you are frequently getting doused in beer, I'm sure your boss and your customers are none too impressed!