
By Anonymous - 20/04/2013 14:26 - United States

Today, my crew was called out to do some house maintenance. We were nearly done, when someone had the goddamned fucking brilliant idea of washing plaster off their hands in the kitchen sink, which clogged the pipes. Instead of getting paid, we now owe for damages. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 017
You deserved it 5 551

Same thing different taste


He should be the only one to have to pay for the damages.

wlddog 14

Isn't this usually when you use a plumbers snake and clear the pipe out? Or replace the double U shaped trap under the sink? If you can find the clog, you can clear it.

40- So I'm not a professional, no, but they are, and if it were that simple I would assume they would have taken care of such an elementary task.

They probably don't have the license to do any plumbing work (I'm assuming painting or wall crews if they're using plaster). And if that's the case, simply getting a plumber to come out to look at the job can cost a lot of money.

wlddog 14

Am I really the only person here that has ever used a plumbers snake? Really? They are very easy to use, and no one needs a license to use one. And for the record, not all "experts" are smart. These guys just dumped plaster down a sink.

shyeahh_fml 19

59 - It's not that the snake is hard to use, but a wall or paint contractor probably doesn't carry around a plumber's snake.

59- no you aren't the only one thats used a snake but clearly OP is a drywaller in which PLUMBING tools aren't something they would carry on them.........if they did they are probably a handyman. My dads plumber and if he got a call asking for electrical tools he's laugh at them...

People that are assholes.. Trolls.. Pessimists.. Misclicks.. People that want the badge..

am I stupid for not knowing what ellipses means?

I considered voting YDI since the OP should have made the dumbass employee pay for it. Then I considered the possibility that OP didn't know which dumbass it was, or that he wasn't the boss and couldn't make that decision, so voted FYL. There's all sorts of reasons people vote YDI.

53: ...Given the context... definitely... 38: You're a ******* gift to the world.

ThePsyche 9

Ellipses make everything more...suspenseful.

That guy should have to take full responsibility. That's just ******* moronic.

C'mon man, that was bad. I've seen you do much better.

groovycrazyjoe 18

there's go one beat up coworker

wow, people are such idiots... You should make whoever did it pay for their damages. you shouldn't have to.

It's the companies responsibility to fix the problem. They can't make him pay. They could fire him though if they thought the situation warranted it.

Jessica24 5

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HeyHeyFishFillet 34

Your comment was expressed with such eloquence and sincerity.

Jessica24 5

This was my first comment to anything on here. I'm very new.

Lol. Welcome Jessica! Watch out for the grammar nazis - they bite...

Jessica24 5

Thank you, I will try. I have a learning disability that sometimes gets in the way. So all I can say is that I will try my best to not piss off the grammar nazis.

*insret innuendo about repairmen clogging a ladies pipes*

*Insert insult for being lazy and not coming up with something funny*

*insert an insert joke even though I guess it wasn't funny the first time*

13- Also, I don't see you coming up with any amazing quips either, you just piggy-backed my phrase. You put it down While at the same time utilizing it in the same way. I guess it is in your religion though. The burn wards down the hall and to the left.

22- Boo, give up and go home, no one thinks your jokes are funny.

22 - I'm pretty sure 13 was mocking your lack of creativity.

.-. This thread spiraled downward fast. I'm still curious as to where the second mocking was. I see you insulting yourself, but not how it's directed at me as you claimed...

1- I pointed out that your joke was an uncreative revamp of mine. 2- I insulted atheism, as well as elaborated as to why your comment was ironically uncreative 3- FreshPie gets what I'm saying I think, so maybe you're too dense to see the hypocrisy of everything you said And yes I did insult myself, someone had to tell that jerk off.

It's frustrating when everyone has to pay for one dumbass's mistakes

Like elementary schhol, Teacher: "unless that one person steps forward, we're ALL staying in for recess." Kids: "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

The Geneva Convention has an article about collective punishment. I always cited that whenever a teacher tried to punish the whole class.

Found it:Article 33 of the 4th Geneva convention. No persons may be punished for an offense he or she has not personally committed. Collective penalties and likewise all measures of intimidation or of terrorism are prohibited.