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Never gets old

By Anonymous - 26/07/2013 03:15 - United States - Kannapolis

Today, I was in a training about the newest changes in CPR. The trainer was discussing chest compression techniques and said she prefers "good, fast, hard pumping." I was the only one who snickered out loud, drawing several annoyed looks from the other trainees. I'm a 45-year-old doctor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 916
You deserved it 20 611

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No worries, I'd have done the same thing.

Nothing wrong with that..I think it's amusing too..specially if the trainer is cute ;) Look on the bright side - Maybe you were the only one in the room who feels 25..and the rest maybe 25 but going in 70..


No worries, I'd have done the same thing.

SmallyBigs 9

Everyone is a kid on the inside :D

HowAreYouToday 34

I get how that'd be funny, but OP seems slightly immature. It could have been worse though. You could have blurted out that you're excellent at giving good fast pumpings.

shan88 14

I would have been right there with you OP.

Way to go OP. I did the same just from reading.

Health Care professionals get recertified every 2 years. Frankly, the class is boring as balls after the first couple (especially the BLS class). I'm a 56 year old nurse and I would have been snickering right along with OP.

RedPillSucks 31

boring as balls? Obviously, you haven't seen MY balls... :-/

But you have, hence the hate for life...

all of us are a kid inside, some of us are just too afraid to let the kid come out & play

Nothing wrong with that..I think it's amusing too..specially if the trainer is cute ;) Look on the bright side - Maybe you were the only one in the room who feels 25..and the rest maybe 25 but going in 70..

flashback.miss 28

Haha XD should've disguised it with coughing~~~!

May I ask you what in the hell is in that eyeball? Cause it's starting to freak me out a bit

flashback.miss 28

supposedly an eye leech :D I got it off of Mr. Creepypasta's page on facebook :)

ILoveMyArm 15

I think it is rather lovely, it has this mystical power of making me want to upchuck whenever I see it. :)

I think you're doomed to get down voted every time you comment because of that picture.

Looking closely, I'm pretty sure that's too purple to be blood, and that's definitely not a leech. Which begs the question: who the hell puts grape jelly on their eye and takes a photo?

Looking closely, the eye has purple stuff around it too. I think the blob is purple makeup on the camera lens in a very convenient shape. At least, I hope it is.

dinosxxrawr 22

don't you ever grow up kid.

mangoboy1 19

Don't be embarrassed. I'd laugh too, and so would most.

simplysarcastics 26

Hey, sometimes you can't always control your laughter, I probably would have giggled and got stares too.

PresAgent 23

I would have laughed too, OP. A healthy sense of humor is priceless. I know from experience those first-aid classes can get boring quickly. Good on you for finding humor in such a course, even if the others were a bit prudish.

Hey even older people can have some fun every once in a while.

I agree. Especially since 45 is so close to one's death bed. Gotta find humor where you can. Shit, I'm 23 having a midlife crisis.

I did say older people not old people.

Ah, they'll forget about it. Someone was bound to laugh !

Just running past it with my eyes, I thought your profile pic was a big roach. -shudders-