Make your minds up

By Remy - 16/11/2013 23:39 - United States - Portland

Today, I was offered a job that pays far more than I expected, being a high school senior. My parents decided they aren't letting me take the job, saying I should enjoy my childhood. They're also not paying for my college, which is why I was looking for work in the first place. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 041
You deserved it 3 109

Same thing different taste

Top comments

michaelaranda 28

sit down with your parents and tell them why its important for you to either get a job, or have them pay for your college. its your education, and it is truly important

Why would any parent STOP their kids from getting jobs? They should be proud of you for thinking ahead and wanting to be responsible. Especially when most kids just want to party and spend their parents money.


michaelaranda 28

sit down with your parents and tell them why its important for you to either get a job, or have them pay for your college. its your education, and it is truly important

Either way, OP's parents are still ******* idiots for making that statement in the first place because they probably don't realize that in order to "enjoy childhood" you must have them $$$$$ in your pocket.

Really? sit down and talk with your parents? I suggest throwing a huge fit and screaming that you'll do whatever the ******* hell you want.

A couple months later op turns 18, her parents tell her she isn't a child anymore and should get a job.

michaelaranda 28

I think that throwing a huge fit and calling them ******* idiots will only help cement the idea that op is still a kid. no, op needs to handle this with maturity so that his parents realize that he isn't a kid anymore.

if you really look at it, OP's parents have no say in this. They aren't paying his college fees? Fine, but they aren't letting him get a job? seems a lot like they're indirectly trying to **** up his future with debt and loans and OP should accept the job regardless of what his parents say. Plus it counts for experience.

You can still enjoy your childhood while learning responsibility. I worked two jobs at the same time in high school. I made friends outside of my school, learned some lessons, and started a career. Like everyone else is saying, it's time to have a talk with them.

Ummm. It's not the parents responsibility to pay for their kids college. OP should use student loans etc.

NagainaFier 16

The point, 94, is that OP's parents are screwing OP's chance at a good education by a) not assissting with college (which they don't HAVE to, but it's more or less a social thing that the parents help a little) and more importantly b) preventing OP from obtaining the funds to pay for college. No one's saying they HAVE to pay for anything (though most parents I know help in some form or fashion), but their reason for preventing OP from being able to save up is crap.

You sound like a whiny spoiled ass person..

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Octwo 16

Why in god's name would you put yourself in massive debt with loans if you have the option to pay your way through with a little responsibility and hard work? You're a bad person.

You don't believe in capitalism do you, 2?

Everyone should have the right to an education, not just those who can afford it.

TheDrifter 23

Right to education? Op's got an education. More than a decade of it. Fewer than one in 5 jobs requires a degree, but a third of kids go to college/uni. Chances are op will be wasting money and years of their life on additional education they will never use to better their circumstances in life. Why would another 4 plus years of education be a right? Unless children are growing up too slowly and need to be sheltered from the harsh truth we call reality until they're well into their 20s.

inthedopeshow 17

If OP wants a better job than food service or retail, he will probably need a college degree. The job market is too competitive to try and get anywhere with a high school diploma.

76-I'm in college and while I do see a few people there just because they don't know what else to do, most students have an idea of what jobs they want; jobs you need more than high school education for (engineers, vets, hygienists, teachers, tourism, computer tech, biologists, make-up artists, etc). Sure there are a lot of jobs which don't require higher education (and someone's gotta do them) but if op knows what he wants from college, then he has a right to go.

fucMyLifeSoHard 18

76- Unless you want a job at McDonald's or WalMart, you're going to want to get a college degree.

Yeah, that's not how things work in the US...

Octwo 16

You'll enjoy your childhood a lot more with some spending cash in your pockets.

Why would any parent STOP their kids from getting jobs? They should be proud of you for thinking ahead and wanting to be responsible. Especially when most kids just want to party and spend their parents money.

I agree with above, but more importantly... How exactly do they plan to stop you, OP? Kick you out? Sounds to me like they're not gonna do that. Punish you? How exactly? They can't really do anything to stop you. Go out there and do what you decide, not what others decide.

My parents were like that with me too at first. But only because they wanted me to focus on school #25 Maybe OP doesn't have a car so they won't be able to get to work if they took the job

#25 my mother called up and told them i was not in sound mental or physically health and was unable to legally keep a job. All of it was a complete lie, but it worked very well.

My mom wouldn't let me get a real job because she thinks I can't handle the responsibility. I had to start my own job that pay roughly $5 a week, and she says that's better than a real job.

Maybe they are jealous or afraid of the idea of OP going to college. For example, maybe they are afraid of losing ties with you if you get white-collar work after college instead of a blue-collar career like them. Or perhaps they're afraid of letting you move away for college and think that by keeping your savings low they'll keep you close to home as a commuter student. Time for a heart to heart. Be compassionate but firm.

spekledworf 18

Some parents don't understand today's world. My parents wanted me to stop working full time to focus on school yet I'm paying for it plus $100 a week in gas to commute to school. OP needs to talk to their parents.

I believe it's called empty nest syndrome time to break it to them that your a senior in high school there is no childhood left to have if you aren't 18 already you will be soon.

if you're going to become an independent college student, you're probably old enough to decide on your own what jobs to have.

TheDrifter 23

At 16, when you can legally work, you gain the right to negotiate an employment contract. Op's parents can forbid whatever they want, but op has the right to work for whoever will employ them.

I recall needing a working permit at 16 and needing a parent or guardian to sign off on it.

They wouldn't let you have a job? My parents wouldn't let me do anything till I got a job.

some parents feel obliged to provide EVERYTHING for they're kids until they move out. Or get married. My dad is like that so I had to get a job behind his back but he found out later anyway. but whatevs, he can't do shit now.

Yeah that's like my parents. They refused to let me get a job, and said that there's no reason as they would provide for every thing (including my university fees). But they said it's so I can focus on schoolwork instead of anything else.

You're a high school senior. What childhood is there left?

stlstretch2 11

It's your life, don't let your parents stop you from making the responsible decision to get a job.

stlstretch2 11

It's your life, don't let your parents stop you from making the responsible decision to get a job.